

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

TCC146 My Favorite Card

Happy Wednesday, everyone!  The Card Concept challenge is asking us this week to share something...our favorite card of the year, our Christmas tree, or holiday decorations!  This is an easy challenge, right?!

I chose to share one of my favorite cards from 2020; I just love this little bird (and I haven't used him for a while, shame on me) and the pretty, soft colors make me happy:

You can see the original post HERE to find out what I used to create it!  And here's a little peek at my Christmas tree too!

I hope you'll share something from 2020....heaven knows we need something positive to ponder from this unprecedented year!  Thanks for popping in today---enjoy it and be blessed!


  1. Your card is beautiful. You always inspire me! Your tree looks so pretty. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

  2. Love your cheerful card and your awesome tree! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my friend!

  3. I couldn't forget this sweet little bird, and the soft pretty colors you've used on this card, LeAnne! Thanks for sharing it again here!
    You were right about how pretty it is with lights! xx

  4. That is such a cheerful, sunny card,LeAnne. The East coast sure needs some sunshine right now. Love your tree too!

  5. Your tree is gorgeous! You obviously worked hard on it. My tree is very different. It has multi-colored lights this year, 100 small pinecones, 35 little birds clipped to the branches, and 2 dozen crystal icicles--very natural, which is the look I was going for.

    Loved your card! Merry Christmas!

  6. I love this card with the soft colors, pretty bird and beautiful frame! Your Christmas tree is beautiful too!

  7. I remember that pretty little bird on your fabulous card, so happy to see it again! Your tree is magical, love seeing it lit up!

  8. I loved that card too - and your tree is truly beautiful all lit up.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!