

Monday, October 26, 2020

Fall Foliage

 Hi peeps!  I have a clean-and-simple card today, and it fulfills four challenges!  First, let's look at the card:

I used just the sketch from the Fusion Card Challenge, and the theme at Less Is More is to use more than one foliage:

I started out with a Very Vanilla card base,  some Bronze Brushed Metallic cardstock as well as some Crumb Cake and Cajun Craze to create the elements of the sketch.  The metallic was embossed with the Quilt Top (ret) embossing folder, and the colors were embossed with the Subtle embossing folder.  I stamped and diecut (or fussy-cut) foliage from Beautiful Autumn, Poinsettia Petals and Forever Fern. I did add a little extra coloring to the Crumb Cake petals with some Blends to give them a little more depth:

I fussy-cut the "smile" from Lovely You and mounted it on a piece of Cajun Craze diecut with a stitched banner from Tasteful Labels; the final touch was some sequins from my stash!  I used the colors from Color Throwdown, and the embossing fulfills the new Let's Squash It challenge!

The harvest party at church was a felt almost like "normal"!!!  The weather was gray and windy but it didn't rain!  Wayne and Josh manned the apple press to make fresh cider (which is delicious!):

Hot dogs and s'mores roasted over the fire was the menu:

Then a hay ride with a tractor breakdown (uh-oh!):

And everyone was having so much fun, they forgot to decorate their pumpkins!  Cellphone flashlights to the rescue:

Thanks for visiting today--enjoy it and be blessed!


  1. How fun LeAnne....something that feels normal. How great. And Freshly pressed apple cider. What a treat. Never had it. I will be looking for mine in the mail Cassidy is really growing up...still a pretty girl.

  2. Your card is just gorgeous with such a fabulous design! I love it! I have to chuckle at the picture of Cassidy wearing shorts and a t-shirt while everyone else is wearing sweatshirts and long sleeves. That would be me! LOL Looks like a fun day for autumn!

  3. LeAnne, I've been ogling those CTD colors - you've captured all three in such a wonderful way! I love all of your embossed bits behind the foliage!
    Gorgeous! and now I want fresh apple cider - it is SO good right from the press!

  4. Simply beautiful. Thanks for joining the fun at Let's Squash It!! Hugz

  5. I saw this challenge and didn't know what to do with it but you certainly did! I love this creation! You also introduced me to a challenge I didn't know about. Fresh cider...yummilicious! Glad you were able to enjoy without fear and restrictions.

  6. Looks like you guys had heaps of fun! I love your card, LeAnne, so stylish and a fabulous colour combo. Thanks for playing at Let's Squash It, Jo x

  7. This is gorgeous, LeAnne. I love the red and gold combination and those lovely berries. Thanks for stopping by my blog, too. I'm blessed to meet another sister in the LORD. I do hope you'll join us at Word Art Wednesday.
    Have a blessed week!
    Karen - challenge blog - personal blog

  8. love this Leanne! what a great card and design. thanks for linking up to CTD.

  9. Beautiful! Those colors are gorgeous. Wow that looks like so much FUn everyone is having! Yummy too!

  10. Love all the texture and the Fall colors!

  11. This card is fabulous, LeAnne! And the harvest party looks like so much fun!! Thanks for playing along with us at the Color Throwdown this week!

  12. I'm calling this the winner LeAnne! You've used the colors beautifully, this is a marvelous card. Penelope and I were talking about pressing apples today!

  13. You've so cleverly designed a beautiful card for all those different challenges. It certainly fits our CAS and more than one foliage challenge - thanks for playing with us at Less is More.


  14. Well now this is gorgeous! And the party looks like fun! I am so ready for normal!

  15. I love everything about this. The colors are so elegant along with the pop of gold. And I love the texture you added on each panel!

  16. AWESOME card and lovely pix too - looks like a great time was had by all



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