

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

GDP258 Vintage Punkins

Happy Tuesday, peeps!  I have a sweet little fall card for you using the Global Design Project sketch for this week:

I love things in threes, so I knew I wanted to play this week!  Dana made a little crocheted pumpkin over the weekend and we were talking about her making some in the non-traditional colors that are popular now, but neither of us had any yarn in those shades!  Here's her partially-finished one:

So while I had those pumpkins on my mind, I decided to try to make some vintage, non-traditional ones for my card:

First, the background panels are Crumb Cake DSP (the denim-type pattern), embossed with a Wrapped In Texture EF, and each panel was sponged with Crumb Cake ink as well.  Each pumpkin was watercolored on SU's watercolor paper, then diecut with pumpkin dies.  I added some drybrush shading, sponging and speckling.  The leaves and tendrils are from SU's Patterned Pumpkins dies using Mossy Meadow (sponged with Craft White ink) and Cinnamon Cider.  

This pumpkin was made using Sahara Sand ink:

This one was Mint Macaroon, and sponged a bit with White Craft ink:

And believe it or not, this one was Gray Granite, even though it looks purple in the picture!

I went back and forth with the sentiment....Vanilla, Crumb Cake, Mossy Meadow.....I just had a hard time deciding, but in the end went with Very Vanilla and Soft Suede ink!  The panel's mat is Soft Suede, and the card is Crumb Cake.  Hope the recipient will like it! 

So here's a little non-stamping story; if you're not interested, just skip it!  Yesterday was a beautiful day and I had the windows and doors open while doing my club. About halfway through the class, I noticed a bee flying around the kitchen....and another....and another and another, well, you get my drift.  Soon we noticed there were lots and lots of them on the door, the patio screen and flying all through the kitchen.  I kept swatting them and killing them, all the while, trying to teach my class! I had dead bees everywhere! This was just a small collection from my bay window (sorry, not a good photo):

My club girls were AMAZING and didn't bat an eye, kept right on stamping and we only had one sting! Eventually I called John from his job because we couldn't figure out where they were coming from and they KEPT COMING!  Long story short, he found a tiny hole in the living room ceiling where they were coming in from the outside.  He called an exterminator and I waited for him while I cleaned up my kitchen.  Every time I swatted one, there were "remains" left, so I had to wash all my windows!!  Eventually the exterminator came and he found FIVE nests all around the house...three in the ground and two going into the house!  I honestly don't know how we missed seeing them, they were everywhere!

I dislike having to use an exterminator, but these were nasty yellow jackets, and in past years, we have had them actually eat through our ceilings to where we have had to replace drywall.  They can sting multiple times and I actually got stung out at the edge of my yard a couple weeks ago while mowing.  SO...not sorry to see them go!

Thanks for popping in today...enjoy your day and be blessed!

"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him."  Proverbs 30:5

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Banner Year, Itty Bitty Backgrounds (ret)
Card stock & Papers     Crumb Cake, Soft Suede, Very Vanilla, Watercolor, Mossy Meadow, Cinnamon Cider, Crumb Cake DSP
 Ink Sahara Sand, Mint Macaron, Cinnamon Cider, Gray Granite, Soft Suede, White Craft
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Patterned Pumpkins Dies (ret), Pumpkin Dies (Impression Obsession), Aquapainters, Sponge Daubers, Wrapped in Texture EF, Stitched Rectangle Dies


  1. Your non-traditional pumpkins are becoming more traditional with each trip to the farmers market, LeAnne! Yours are adorable, and I love the background - almost like burlap!
    sorry about those bees!

  2. Yes! I love vintage non-traditional pumpkins...especially bluish/green ones. Great card!! I hate yellow jackets and have been stung by them multiple times...OUCH! I'll take a bee sting any day over those. Glad you got the situation resolved.

  3. I love everything about this card, LeAnne! Wonderful texture and colors! Not so crazy about the yellow jackets, but crazy that they were moving in with you. Your cards must have been pretty special if the bees didn't distract the ladies!

  4. Love your card! Super cute vintage looking pumpkins. So sorry about those yellow jackets! Not good! I hope they are gone.

  5. I really LOVE your pumpkins. They look marvelous and you did so well on the colors!!! I’m SO sorry about your bee problem and so glad it’s all over and taken care of. Bless you and your sweet family!

  6. Gorgeous pumpkins LeAnne - so artistic. As for the bees - oh my goodness!! That sounds like a living nightmare. So glad you got them sorted.

  7. I sure do like your pretty non-traditional pumpkins, especially the light blue one! This is wonderful LeAnne! We have a yellow jacket nest in the ground in our neighborhood. Sweet P and I have to detour into the street on our walks to avoid it. So sorry they disrupted your stamping party!


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