

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Thanks Berry Much

Happy Wednesday, peeps!  I have a quick thank you card today---one of our friends borrowed some tools from John and dropped off a most delicious pint of freshly-picked strawberries!  I wish I could share a picture with you, but we ate them before you could say Peter Rabbit!  So a thank you card was in order:

I used images from Altenew, stamped in Memento and colored with Blends, and a sentiment from Many Mates.  I used some retired gingham along with a snippet of gingham it okay to mix ginghams?

I used the sketch from CAS(E) this Sketch and I am also entering it at Addicted to CAS, where their challenge is "Berry":

Thanks for popping in today!  

We took a walk to feed the local horses...Cassidy still can't quite bring herself to not be fearful of those big horse teeth! 

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Many Mates, Beautiful You (Altenew)
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Lucky Limeade Gingham DSP (ret)
 Ink Memento Black
Accessories Plaid Ribbon from my Stash, Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Dies, Blends


  1. Love the cleaness of the card, it is beautiful

  2. Absolutely it's okay to mix ginghams! Adorbz!

  3. Gorgeous card LeAnne! Anything done with gingham is totally okay! Mix it, match it, use it with abaondon! Horses (and cows too) have very big teeth and even if they don't often use them to nip and young girls, they are still intimidating. The dairy cows on my grandfather's farm were very docile ... but still scary! ~chris

  4. well, mixing these gorgeous ginghams is certainly okay in my book, LeAnne! What's not to love? - a darling rendition of our Sketch - especially topped with this darling strawberry! Thanks for serving it to us at CTS!

  5. Berry sweet indeed! And I'm with Cassidy....scary teeth!

  6. Certainly you can mix ginghams! The more the merrier! This is so crisp and beautiful with the yummy strawberries! I'd shy away from those big teeth too! LOL

  7. I say mixing gingham is perfectly alright and your card is perfectly darling!!

  8. LeAnne, I love the mixed gingham. It reminds me of a wonderful table cloth and mix and match napkins. Fabulous take on the sketch, too. All that wonderful white space allows the eye to focus on your fabulous composition!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!