

Monday, June 8, 2020

52CCT21 Christmas Floral

Happy Monday, peeps!  A little late start to my week today, as Cassidy called me on Saturday and decided to come visit me for the entire week!  Her last day of school is today and I was supposed to start watching her tomorrow, but I'll take a whole week!  It just means a wee bit of an adjustment for my stamping schedule, LOL!   I did make a few cards on Saturday to display at my upcoming club, and this particular one uses the pretty poinsettia design from the Flowers for Every Season DSP and the Itty Bitty Christmas sentiment set.  I started out with the sketch from Christmas Card Throwdown:

And here we go:

Besides using the sentiment set, I also stamped some of the berries from Forever Fern in Poppy Parade to add as the other elements from the sketch:

I colored a rhinestone with a Real Red blend to accent the stitched circle element; it all went on a Whisper White mat and Just Jade 4 1/4" square card!  Another Christmas card to add to my stash!

Yesterday Cassidy asked if she could type a note on my circa-1970 manual typewriter!  I said sure!  She had to practice a little at how hard to hit the keys, and the concept of the carriage return took a little getting used to as well!  But eventually, she got the hang of it.  I also had to show her how to make a manual exclamation mark...a period, then backspace, and an apostrophe.....who remembers typing being such a challenge, LOL!?  We are certainly spoiled these white-out or correction tape necessary either!

Thanks for popping in today--enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Itty Bitty Christmas, Forever Fern
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Just Jade, Poppy Parade, Flowers for Every Season DSP
 Ink Poppy Parade
Accessories Dimensionals, Rhinestone
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Dies, Forever Flourishing Dies, Real Red Blend


  1. Beautiful card that typewriter reminds me of being a kid, my grandad had one very similar

  2. Oh, LeAnne! Your card is so very lovely! Christmas personified, and what a gorgeous DSP and great sentiment [love that font!]
    Holy moley, Batgirl... a MANUAL typewriter?? The last actual typewriter I used was electric - and oh did I love to type! 70wpm, baby! My daughter learned to type on it, using my sister's c.60's Typing course manual - the ones that stood up in a little teepee - and you should see her fly over the keyboard now!!
    Way to go Cassidy!

  3. Cassidy missed you as much as you missed her! Boy do I remember the manual typewriter. The computer makes it so much easier, especially when you make a lot of mistakes! Love your Christmas card! Pretty berries and decorative paper!

  4. I actually cut up this paper today...pretty card. Is that a Smith Corona?

  5. Super cute card and Cassidy on the manual typewriter is priceless! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I didn't realize how much Cassidy is growing up. I remember using a manual typewriter. I took typing & keyboarding in high school. At the time, we were just starting to make the switch to computers, and I preferred the typewriter because for me, the keyboard on the computer was much too sensitive. How things change!

    I love the card. Very pretty.

  7. Sweet card LeAnne...there are times I wish I had a typewriter for typing a sentiment for my cards. But life is so much better with our computers or iPads. Like you said no correction tape or white out.. Enjoy your week with Cassidy. School? On line?

  8. I had that exact same typewriter! Brought back some memories. Love the Christmas card. Love thinking about Christmas when it's 90 degrees outside.

  9. Beautiful card, thanks for playing at 52cct

  10. elle est magnifique cette carte LeAnne, j'aime ces fleurs et ces jolies baies, merci de jouer avec nous chez 52CCT, biz

  11. Pretty holiday card! I miss my typewriter! I loved pecking away at it and getting into a rhythm!!


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