

Friday, June 14, 2019

FMS392 Magnolia Birthday

Happy Friday, everyone!  I'm a little late today...a lazy day today!  I absolutely love the FMS sketch for this week...I'll be using it again for sure:

That big panel is great for DSP, or a stamped image, or anything!  I haven't used much of my Magnolia Lane DSP, and I thought this pretty pattern would be good for a birthday card I need:

I diecutt it with a Stitched Rectangle die, then matted it on some Mossy Meadow cardstock and stamped the words in Mossy Meadow as well...these are from a free set I got recently from!  I really love how well they ink up and stamp!  I custom-cut them with a smaller Stitched Rectangle die and popped them up with dimensionals.  Since I didn't get the stamp set that coordinates with this paper, I fussy-cut a bloom from the opposite side of this paper and used it as a focal point:

For fun, I coated it with Wink of Stella (you might just be able to see the shimmer) and added some retired Faceted Embellishments.

Thank so much for popping in today!

I am pretty sure Cassidy is going to be a teacher, or at least the boss of somebody; she corraled some our of church family kids at our church picnic and was giving them karate lessons!

Looks like they're doing pretty well!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!


  1. What a pretty card, LeAnne! I love how simple this was to put together using this beautiful DSP! The magnolia for the focal point was a great idea! I'm off to create a card for this very challenge before I lose my idea! LOL Getting old is no fun! TFS and have a happy day! :)

  2. Great card! Yes, Cassidy is a born leader!

  3. Fabulous use of the sketch, LeAnne! Thanks for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  4. This is just lovely LeAnne! How CUTE is the karate lesson. Penelope would have been right up front for that LOL!!

  5. This is a pretty uet simple card and I love the wink of stella on the flower. Cassidy is a born leader!

  6. Such a pretty way to show off the paper. You're right about the sketch - really useful and nice the way it lets you repeat the 'happy'.


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