

Friday, January 18, 2019

AYSI192 Glimmer Hello

Howdy, peeps!  Phew, it's Friday...with another storm brewing for this weekend!  A good time to stay inside and craft, right?!  Anyway, it's time for another As You See It challenge, and we have a pretty you go:

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SU has some beautiful Rose glimmer paper and I decided to pair it with the marblized paper from the Petal Promenade DSP.  The Flourish thinlets provided my main embellishment:

Iseparated the backing from the glimmer paper and added an Adhesive Sheet layer before diecutting.  It makes it a little easier to go through the Big Shot, but those little "chads" are still a bit challenging!  My Big Shot Die Brush helps though--along with a sticky lint roller...just lay your diecut piece on top and poke the pieces on to the roller!  My friend Joanne had a beautiful card where she created a frame and let the background paper peek through (you can see it HERE), so I decided to give that a try, creating my frame from Very Vanilla cardstock and the new (WONDERFUL) Rectangle Stitched dies:

I stamped a sentiment in Merry Merlot from Flourishing Phrases, added a little glimmer enamel dot to one of the flowers, then mounted everything on a Merry Merlot card base.  I love the deeper shade of rose with the lighter Rose glimmer paper!

So what metallics will you use for our challenge?  Foil?  Heat embossing?  Metal accessories or DSP?  There are lots of choices!  Share your creation with us at As You See It...can't wait to see what you make!

Another couple of pix from the aquarium...doesn't this look like fun?

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Flourishing Phrases
Card stock & Papers     Merry Merlot, Very Vanilla, Rose Glimmer, Adhesive Sheets, Petal Promenade DSP
 Ink Merry Merlot
Accessories Enamel Glitter Dot (ret)
Tools     Big Shot, Flourish Thinlets, Rectangle Stitched Framelits


  1. This is gorgeous LeAnne - the glimmer paper really allows the flourish to stand out and sparkle, yet the subtle background adds interest too. As for the frame - of course I love that!! I like your choice of vanilla - it provides a subtle contrast that makes it stand out enough for the frame to do its job. A beautiful card for a fun challenge this week. I’m off to put my thinking cap on!

  2. What an elegant card LeAnne! I like all of the pretty sparkle!

  3. Really pretty card, LeAnne. I love the soft background paper. It really makes that glimmery die "pop"! Kind of like Cassidy pop pious in the aquarium! 🐟🐠

  4. This is beautiful, LeAnne! I rarely use this set but taking the backing off the paper and using the self-adhesive is the way to go. I think I don't use it often because of all those hanging chads! Be blessed and may you keep your power when the snow storm goes through. Hugs!

  5. So pretty! Love that glittery diecut! We are ready for 18-24inches of about you?

  6. Well done LeAnne...and I have to say that is just the coolest thing I have ever seen at an Aquarium

  7. Of course, I just love your sparkly card, LeAnne! But those photos of Cassidy at the aquarium are so fun. She looks like she had a great time!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!