

Monday, May 7, 2018

CAS Christmas Snowman

Happy Monday, peeps!  Hope your week is starting off well!  I have a cute little Christmas card to share today, made for the CAS Christmas challenge of "snowman" as well as the CAS(E) this Sketch sketch:

There's very little stamping on this...just a few snowflakes and a sentiment from a past Paper Pumpkin kit:

I used Lawn Fawn's Stitched Hillsides dies as well as a snowman die from W+9's Stitched Holiday Icons to create my little scene.  I used a scrap of Pumpkin Pie for his nose and some computer-generated gingham paper for his scarf:

I did a wee bit of sponging with Soft Sky ink and stamped the sentiment on the inside:

Easy peasy!  Thanks for popping in today!

Cassidy went to a trampoline park yesterday for her friend's birthday party:

She obviously had a rambunctious time!  Out like a light!

Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Paper Pumpkin (ret)
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Pumpkin Pie
 Ink Real Red, Soft Sky
Accessories Dimensionals
Tools     Big Shot, Stitched Hillside Dies (Lawn Fawn), Stitched Holiday Icons Dies (W+9), Basic Black Marker, Sponge Dauber


  1. Such a cute card! and a sweet sleepy head. I absolutely love the outfits she has. Have a blessed day and YOU are a blessing!

  2. Even though I am totally over snow right now I think your card is delightful! Great take on the sketch and your snowman is sweet!

  3. SUCH a clever way to indicate our Sketch, LeAnne!
    Aren't we glad we can finally use our imagination for that snow, instead of looking outside??!!
    Thanks for playing cards with us!

  4. Love, love, love your stitched snowman with his gingham scarf and stitched snowbanks, LeAnne! This is so crisp and fun! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Christmas! LOL, Cassidy got tired out!

  5. Super sweet, ca d! Love the snowy hills that follow the sketch!

  6. Your snowman is so adorable LeAnne! What a great take on the sketch challenges with the snowhills. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Christmas. Cassidy sure had a fun time at the party! :) xx

  7. You had me with that adorable gingham scarf, CUTE card!! Don't you wish we could be like kids and just zonk out every which way whenever we needed too!!

  8. Adorable! Great take on the sketch!

  9. I lvoe seeing such a perfect CAS card for Christmas cards. The layout is a great take on CAS(e).


  10. Leanne, such a fun layout. I love your snowman nestled in those snowbanks. Thanks for joining us at CAS Christmas challenge.

  11. This is such a cute card, LeAnne! I love your red and white checked scarf and all the stitching on the snowy hills! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CAS Christmas! Barb GD
    Your little Cassidy is adorable...Looks like she had a blast at the trampoline park, too!

  12. I love your CAS Snowman design. CAS perfection. TFS your card and cute photo of your sleepyhead grand daughter. Hugs...

  13. Lovely snowman with the jolly gingham scarf!! Great job on the snowbanks. Thanks so much for joining us at CAS Christmas.

  14. The gingham scarf is a fantastic choice, LeAnne! It brightens up the whole snowy scene. The snowy hills and the cute snowman are well coordinated with the stitched outlines. Thank you for playing along with us at CAS Christmas! Hideko xx
    p.s. Love the pic of Cassidy in the car.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!