

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

RetroRubber 82 and Some News!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!  I am so excited, I finally get to share some news!  I've been asked to join the Retro Rubber design team!  And for a giggle, here's my "retro" photo....second grade (how I hated this picture), circa 1961:

As someone who's been stamping for 20-plus years, I certainly have lots of "retro" stamps and love to use them!  If you're not familiar with the challenge, it requires using stamps that are at least a year old, and you must tell the approximate age in your post.  For this week's challenge, we've got a tic-tac-toe from Jan!  Check it out:

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I chose the left column:  pink, twine and birthday, and I used a set from 2011 called Array of Sunshine, and a set from 2016 called Suite Sayings...and here we go:

The papers are all from PhotoPlay, called French Flea Market; I stamped the florals directly onto some scripty paper in Blushing Bride and fussy-cut them out:

I diecut the leaves with the Flower Fair Framelits, then folded them and put them through my crimper....remember that nifty little tool?  When you unfold the leaf, it creates a very cool effect with a fun texture!  My final touches were some thick Very Vanilla baker's twine and a few little sequins tucked in here and there!  Oh, and I did stamp a sentiment at the bottom of the card as well!

I love tic-tac-toe challenges---so many choices!  I hope you'll play along with us; you have ten days  to play, then share it with us at the RetroRubber blog!  And if you have SU stamps and you're stuck and can't remember when they were released, you can locate almost any SU stamp set at Splitcoaststampers!  Just go to the SU gallery and scroll down; the sets are listed alphabetically and have the issue date!  Thanks for popping in today! 

We had half day at school yesterday so the little boy across the road came over to play some games; this one is a Cat in the Hat game; you assemble a nerf-like limbo setup, then draw cards to tell you to some silly activity which might involve a book, a cake, a dress, etc. (all pieces that come with the game):

You might have to carry a ball on your belly while you tiptoe around the limbo poles, or try to jump over the limbo pole with something held between your legs:

There were lots of giggles, running, jumping, falling, and goofing around.  I will be glad when the weather gets warmer and they can run around outside!  Enjoy your day and be blessed!

Project Details—All Products SU! Unless Otherwise Specified
Stamps Array of Sunshine, Suite Sayings (both ret)
Card stock & Papers     Confetti Cream (ret), French Flea Market DSP (Photoplay)
 Ink Blushing Bride, Chocolate Chip
Accessories Very Vanilla Thick Baker's Twine (ret), sequins from my stash
Tools     Big Shot, Flower Fair Framelits (ret), Crimper (ret), Dimensionals


  1. What a pretty card LeAnne - and congratulations on joining the ladies over at Retro Rubber - they are lucky to have you! It's always good to dig out some old favourites - I need to do that more often! I’m with you on the weather front - I wish it would warm up and dry up so the children can get out and ride bikes and shoot hoops once more!

  2. LeAnne, I'm so pleased to read your news! Yay!!! Congratulations!! Now, since I've only been at this for a few years, tell me... must the retro stamp be the red rubber kind?

  3. I got my email from RR yesterday so I knew what your exciting news was when you gave that little tease yesterday. I am thrilled to see you on another challenge site. You are a great addition to their DT. You amaze me with all the DSP and other materials you have in your stash. That game looks like fun, but a little challenging for You are a blessing.

  4. Congrats, LeAnne, on the new assignment with the Retro Rubber Design Team! You will be a great addition! This card is beautiful! Love those banners on the corner and the pretty flowers. That scripty sentiment is lovely in the corner! Cassidy and her friend look like they're having fun! "Limbo", I hadn't thought about that in awhile!

  5. Lovely card, LeAnne! And, congratulations on the Retro Rubber gig! I have always enjoyed your creations.

  6. you rock at retro girl so you are a fabulous addition to the team! This card is wonderful in pinks with the sweet flower! And your picture is sweet as can be! My bangs always looked like that too the day after my mother cut them.......but I had two long pigtails!

  7. Love the card, LeAnne! Are the banners cut out? Your bangs were even shorter than mine! ha ha!

  8. First up, LeAnne, is that I'm delighted that you've joined the Retro Rubber Team. What a debut! This card is gorgeous on so many levels. The overall effect is stunning and the individual elements are put together so cleverly. Highlights include the flowers stamped onto DSP and fussy cut, the stunning little crimped leaf and the sweet sequins.

  9. Woohoo! Thank you so much for joining us at Retro Rubber!! So happy to be working with you again, LeAnne. I want to take a look at your stamp collection if you've been collecting for 20 years. Your card today is so pretty and perfect for Spring. And I bet I could dig out my old crimper for a few leaves next time - great tip! Have a great week, LeAnne! Enjoy those kids while they're still young.

  10. Well LeAnne, I'm thrilled you join our fab team at RETRO RUBBER, we are so lucky to have you and to be able to work side by side with you, WELCOME!!!!!
    Now, before I say something about your beautiful card, let me tell you that I'm loving your RETRO PICTURE, oh my gosh!! what a cutie pie you were!!!
    And I love your first card as a Team Member, what a nostalgic and beautiful look,
    and you reminded me of my CRIMPER!!!!! oh my gosh!! I know I still have it somewhere in this room, what a lovely detail you created with is for the leaves.
    Now, this might look like a letter instead of a comment but I must say that I love seeing Cassidy on your posts, I think what she did to remember the names of her toy doggies is genus, I will keep that in mind,LOL!! It's so sweet to see little children at play, I say ENJOY THEM WHILE THEY ARE LITTLE, time sure rushes by like the wind.
    Again, welcome, welcome.

  11. Oh, this is happy news!! I'm so happy for you Leanne, congrats! Your card is beautiful, love every little detail. Looks like the kiddos had fun ;)

  12. LeAnne - What a great card - LOVE those papers! The little buntings at the top just slay me, lol. And congrats on your big news - what a perfect team for you! So excited to see your inspirations! Thanks for the fun at Retro Rubber, and for the chance to join you all this week!

  13. Congratulations on becoming a part of the Retro Rubber team ! Your card is so sweet, the little details (such as the folded and crimped leaf) are perfect.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!