

Thursday, August 11, 2016

CTD405 & PPC206 You Make Me Smile

Hi peeps!  Ah, Thursday...the end of the week is in sight!  I squealed with delight when I saw the pretty color challenge at the Color Throwdown, and it worked perfectly with the DSP challenge at Paper Craft Crew:

Welcome to the Paper Craft Crew Designer Series Paper  Theme Challenge 206 hosted by Pam Staples, SunnyGirlScraps.  #papercraftcrew #sunnygirlscraps #challengeblog #papercrafts #themechallenge   Play along at

I went way in the archives of my scraps of DSP and pulled out some that fit the colors and cut them into 3/4" strips:  I had so much fun, I may just do another one:

My sentiment (Right at Home's Color In Sentiments) was stamped in Memento black ink and colored with Lost Lagoon, Crushed Curry and Pear Pizzazz inks and an aquapainter.  I added a Layering Squares mat in black and some baker's twine, then a wee little Paper Pumpkin flower, stamped in Crushed Curry:

I didn't have a black candy dot, so I colored a brown one with a Sharpie, LOL!  Worked great!  And I tried to experiment with putting the sentiment panel in different areas of my card to see how it looked, but those stubborn dimensionals got stuck down in the corner, so that's where it stayed, LOL!  Thanks for popping in today!

A little visitor to my flower bed last week:

He has made himself right at home in my yard....I see him everywhere!  Enjoy your day!


  1. And You've made ME smile, too! LOve every single, perfectly chosen, dp you've used! Gorgeous colors, perfect dot!

  2. At first I thought you had used Washi Tape....awesome idea for scraps! I like the square in the corner!
    We have rabbits running through our yard too! When it happened up North, I told my Grand-daughter it was the Easter Bunny checking up on her!!!
    Thanks for sharing and Blessings to you!

  3. Love the are opening new doors for me in knowing different companies out there. I'm a demonstrator for SU so please don't tell them ;-)
    I love bunnies too. Yesterday I was visiting a friend and there were 6 chasing each other around the yard. I look forward to your emails everyday.

  4. I love making cards like this to use up those scraps! This is fantastic LeAnne! Sweet bunny ;)

  5. You nailed that color challenge, LeAnne! And the patterned paper one for that matter, too. But ohhhh the bunny!!! So adorable! For some reason I never see bunnies in my area. Boo hoo.

  6. Such a bright and cheery card LeAnne and great for scraps - everyone always has some strips lying around. Love the twine detail on the sentiment panel..cute bunny too - best keep him away from those veggies though!

  7. My eyes are drawn to anything diagonal, so I'm loving this great card with fabulous colors! We have a back-yard bunny too this year - my husband has named him "bugs!" :)

  8. Awesome papers you chose..and a great idea! It does look fun, I may have to make a few myself. Your visitor sure is sweet!

  9. What a lovely mix of patterned papers in your background! You rocked both challenges! Thanks so much for joining us at Color Throwdown again. I always enjoy your entries!

  10. Fun use of your patterned paper....corner looks good!! So glad you joined us at CTD!

  11. What a fabulous card to show off your bits of DSP! Well done and thanks for playing with the Paper Crafts Crew! Christyne - DT

  12. I love how you used the designer paper on this card challenge! Thank you for playing along at the Paper Craft Crew this week!

  13. LOVE your card! Fabulous layout and I love the sentiment panel! Thanks for playing along with The Color Throwdown!

  14. Great use of your DSP scraps, LeAnne. I love the colour combination, and how you added the touches of layering and the Baker's Twine. Lucky you, to have a bunny visitor in your yard :) Thanks for joining the Paper Craft Crew challenge this week. ~Deborah


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