

Friday, July 15, 2016

CTS181 and CASology 206 Work of Art

Hi peeps!  Phew, it's hot....I feel like singing Martha and the Vandella's HEAT WAVE!!  I decided to cool off with some cool colors and the CAS(E) this Sketch sketch and the cue from CASology:


There are some really fun cards in the CASology gallery; I wish I had the creativity that some of these stampers have!  Mine is rather mundane, although I did do some sponging, which I haven't done in a while:

In the next few weeks, I am going to be highlighting some SU colors that I rarely use!  A wee challenge to myself, you could say!  Today I am using Tempting Turquoise....I love this colors, but for some reason, never think to pull it out!  I stamped the little paintbrush from the Hostess Set (last year) Love You Sew in Tempting Turquoise, Marina Mist and Bermuda Bay, then added some speckles and sponging in Soft Sky.  I stamped the sentiment from Work of Art and added the swoosh from Love You Sew on top, as well as some sequins from my stash:

To do the sponging, I just lined up some Post-it Notes, stamped and sponged...easy peasy!  My final touch was to add a little baker's twine bow; I used the one-hole bow technique so that it doesn't slide off my panel.

Thanks for popping in today!

Cassidy made a little pot in Sunday School a few weeks back and we finally had time to paint it!

Have a blessed day!


  1. Love your card today, LeAnne! Those 3 colors are fabulous together! I was just thinking to myself the other day about Tempting Turquoise. I am trying to finally switch over to the foam pads from the old linen ones. This color is at the top of my list to order but it's a color I never reach for. Sad but true. I may have to follow in your footsteps and start making it a priority especially since it's summertime and turquoise is a summery color! The possibilities are endless! Have a great day & stay cool...yes, another hot one!

  2. Love your "cool" card.
    Cute pics of Cassidy painting her little pot.

  3. Love these colors together, LeAnne! Also love your card. Great take on the CAS Art challenge.

  4. Those little paint brushes are too cute! Terrific card! Love seeing your little artist at work ;)

  5. Love the tie in between the sentiment and the paint brushes! So glad you joined us at CASology this week, LeAnne!

  6. Oh I love all those paint brushes splashing around! Cute card!

  7. Love your scattered paint brush background. What a fabulous sentiment too. Thanks for playing along at CASology this week!

  8. Oh, I love that pretty sentiment and your wonderful take on the sketch!


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