

Friday, June 24, 2016

SIP53 CASing Sandy!

Happy Friday, peeps!  I've got a sweet little card today for a sweet friend of mine...she IS amazing...she just sent me a whole gallon of homemade maple syrup from upstate New York!  What a friend!  And since Cassidy has had a taste of real maple syrup on her pancakes, she is now a syrup snob...she won't eat anything else and gets mad if any of us eat "her" syrup!  SO...we have lots of syrup that should last us for a while!  So my card today is for her!  I am playing with the Stamp Ink Paper challenge, which is to CASE the designer!

SIP Case Challenge 53 800

OF COURSE I had to CASE my sweet friend Sandy!  I swooned when I saw this card!  You can see  the details of it on her blog here!

I started out by diecutting some sunflowers I had but then I remembered this sweet Decorate A Daisy set that retired a couple of years ago, so I inked it up with Crushed Curry and Basic Black and added a sentiment from Watercolor Wishes:

I did save the leaves I had cut from the sunflower die (Simon Says Stamp Radiant Sunflower) because I love the stitching and the detail; they complemented my stitched panel (Lil'Inkers) so nicely!

The gingham was stamped with a retired SU wheel that I took off the wheel and mounted on some EZ much easier to use that way!  And finally, I added some pretty green sequins from my stash!

I loved Sandy's card and I hope she likes my CASE of it!

Cassidy loves my nephew's dog Remy...she was throwing him a stick in our front yard when the sun was going down...the light and glowing greenery was so's really not captured in my photos as well as I would like!


 I am not sure who was more tired...Cassidy or the dog!  They both got a good workout!


  1. Beautiful card, LeAnne! Love the sunflower you used. Matter of fact, I have a card here you made me yrs ago with that pretty flower on! It sits in my stamp room for inspiration! This certainly is a beautiful case of Sandy's card. Love it!!

  2. OMG LeAnne!!! I am just in love with this card! Gorgeous daisy, fabulous gingham, and what darling little leaves - truly the perfect choice! Do NOT discount your photos - SPLENDID that's what they are! Have a great weekend - if you're not doing anything special? come help me pack? xx

  3. love this card!!!! now in search to see if I have that stamp set somewhere....
    your photos of Cassidy and the dog are amazing. you capture the light and shadows just beautifully. our grandkids offer many opportunities to be creative with our photography and you capture her so very well. ~chris

  4. Absolutely beautiful CASe of a beautiful card!

  5. Oh wow this is absolutely stunning LeAnne!! Love the popped out flower and the colors are so pretty too!! Great CASE card!! :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Awesome job CASE-ing Sandy's card this week, LeAnne! The large and in charge flower really pops and I know Sandy will be delighted! Thanks for joining us at Stamp, Ink, Paper this week! Crystal, DT

  7. Wow LeAnne, this is amazing!!! Great CASE of Sandy's Card.. you are right it was awesome! Thanks so much for joining us at Stamp, Ink, Paper this week!

  8. Your post made me smile from beginning to end, LeAnne! I'm honored to be CASEd and I absolutely love your card. That big daisy is gorgeous and the stitching adds so much detail. Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at Stamp Ink Paper!

  9. I am in love with both your's and Sandy's PRETTY cards!! Cute photos of Cassidy and her furry friend!!

  10. LeAnne this is absolutely gorgeous! Love your case of Sandy's card. Thank you so much for joining us this week at Stamp Ink Paper:)

  11. I'm WOW'd with your bright bold beautiful flower! Thank you for playing along with Stamp Ink Paper this week and choosing Sandy's card to CASE.


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