

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Blessings

Happy Saturday, peeps!  I haven't been too organized's what my craft area looks like, at least the part I am willing to show you:

What a mess!  How can anything creative come from such disarray?!  So I thought I would show you some beautiful Easter cards I got in the mail from my friends!  This cutie is from Linda; I just love those bows and pretty colors:

And this lovely iris-fold Easter egg is from Martha:

Even John was intrigued by the beautiful folded edge Robyn added to her springy creation:

And finally, a gorgeous creation from Debbie!  Love that ribbon and these colors are wonderful!

Finally, amidst all the mess, I did manage to create a simple Easter card that I sent to a few of my friends:

I used the cross from All God's Grace atop some retired SAB DSP from last year and a retired SU Easter set!  Thanks for popping in, and be sure to come back tomorrow for a new Paper Players challenge!

Ahhh...the challenges of teaching a wee one how to tie shoelaces!  We'll need more practice for sure!


  1. Gorgeous Easter cards LeAnee! I didn't even think to send you one - hugs and Easter wishes are coming across the miles to you still though! I'm glad someone else's' desk can rival mine for untidiness (and the rest f my craft room is worse!!) Tying laces - one of those 'practice makes perfect' tasks, one day it will all just fall into place. I like the 'bunny ears' method - quite appropriate for Easter too!

  2. Think Robyn would teach us that edge? All gorgeous ... Easter Blessings to you and your family, LeAnne!

  3. I spy a Misti in your crafty mess, LeAnne! I just got the mini version the other day so if you have any tips I'd love to hear about them :) Love your Easter card, too. That sentiment is beautiful. My collection of stamps is seriously lacking in Easter sentiments. Have a great weekend!

  4. Beautiful cards LeAnne! haha my whole room looks like that! Well used and well loved! :D I wanted to tell you about this when I saw you were working on tying!!! This is how we tie now and it's SO easy! I'm not sure this link will work... if it doesn't google Ian knot. It's awesome and it stays tied!!!

  5. SO many pretty cards from friends!! Sweet photos of your girls today!!


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