

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Hi peeps!  The countdown is on!  Are you ready for Christmas?  I have a few last-minute things to do, but all in all, I'm in pretty good shape!  I have a non-Christmas, just-for-fun, saying-hi card for you today, using this awesome Try Stampin' on Tuesday sketch:

I just got some fun papers from a little Etsy shop, and I can't even remember who makes them!  But aren't they cute?  I love these retro telephones:

After creating my layers, I diecut a Pink Pirouette stitched circle from Lil'Inkers, then used SU's Little Letters to make my I guess there's no stamping at all on this card!!!  I did add a wee bit of baker's twine, too!   Easy peasy, just what we need at this time of the year!!

If you have a bit of stamping time during this busy season, I hope you'll play along with us!  Be sure to check out TSOT's blog to see all the creations by the designers!

We had a nice visit from Dana's half-brother on Sunday; he lives in Key West (or do you say "on" Key West?) so we don't see him very often!

Thanks for visiting today!


  1. Hi LeAnne, I love the color combo on your DT card today! While not colors I might have put together on my own, it's so fun and retro with your card! Crystal

  2. The hellos the hi the phones all add up to cute!! So nice when family can be together for the holidays, cute photos!

  3. These papers look so cool!! I love your card along with the colors!! :) I just got the new cattys and wow...all I can say!! You have a very lovely family my friend!! Wishing you and your a very Merry Christmas and a stunning New Year!!

  4. Love your card.
    Great photos. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  5. Super cute card! I love the colors and those fun papers. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, LeAnne!


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