

Tuesday, September 1, 2015



Happy Tuesday, peeps! And happy September, although Mother Nature still thinks it’s the middle of July!  It’s HOT HOT HOT here in SE PA!   It’s time for another Try Stampin’ On Tuesday challenge!  This is our sketch for this week:

and the additional challenge is to make a shaker card!  Oh dear…I love shaker cards, but they don’t love me!  But I persevered, using a couple of new sets from the holiday mini, to make a simple Halloween one:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings TSOT233 Howl-o-ween Treat Stampin Up

I used the new Happy Haunting DSP with a Basic Black card base; I stamped the owl from Howl-o-ween Treat on a circle of Very Vanilla, then added a window sheet and a frame of Tangelo Twist.  My sentiment is from the coordinating Boo to You framelit dies, using the new black glimmer paper….the scraps were perfect to cut out some little stars as well, also in the die set!  I used some black, silver and orange sequins from my stash:


And for the inside, I mixed some sentiments and images from the same set as well as Cheer All Year:


I hope you’ll play along!  You can share your project at our blog or at the TSOT Facebook page as well!

Dana, John & I weathered the first day of kindergarten…well, that consisted of us getting Cassidy on the bus…..without too many tears or a breakdown!




She was a little trooper!  Enjoy your day!


  1. What an adorable card, LeAnne! Love it inside and out, especially the shaker part! Aww, first day of kindergarten. How bittersweet.

  2. Adorable cards- I think your shaker is great! And thanks for reminding me to go online and have a look at the catalog- I still haven't picked up my paper one yet. It looks like the first day kicked off well! I would have liked to have gotten Boy on his first day- the photo by the bus driver but he was so excited to go that he jumped right on the bus and sat down, ready to go. :)

    1. Thanks, Jen! Well, it's a good thing when they WANT to go to school!!! Hope he has a great year!

  3. Cute card. Love the photos of Casiday. Hope you enjoye her 1st day of kindergarten.

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! She did fine, although she was the last one off the bus, and I think she was a little worried about that. But she got there and home just fine!

  4. I still haven't made a shaker card and I really need to get a grip and do one! This is so much fun! I know this was a bittersweet day for you. Time goes so fast and those grandchildren grow up even faster than our children did! Love & hugs!

    1. Thanks, Bonnie! Yes, I am sad to see her grow up, but HAPPY to have some free time to get things caught up around here, LOL!

  5. This almost brings tears to my eyes! It's a whole new chapter of her life and yours too. Don't they grow up fast. My oldest granddaughter just started her college classes yesterday and I can't believe it is here already.

    1. Thanks, Brenda! College, wow, that's another big chapter in our grandchildren's lives! I hope she has a blessed year!

  6. Aww your cards are excellent and your pictures and stories have been so enjoyable! Thank you for sharing them!

  7. Did you mean the tears and the breakdown would have been from Mum and Grandma? Love your cards.
    Rene from OZ xx

    1. Yes, definitely from Mommy and Grammy! And maybe even Grampy!

  8. Don't be so hard on your self, your shaker looks great, CUTE card!! How precious does she look with her sign and then standing in the bus! Oh my gosh I can't even THINK about that day yet LOL!!!

  9. I love Halloween and shaker cards! This is perfect!
    Oh, my heart is with you as you see your baby get on the bus! Precious girl is off on a new adventure! I know she will love it! XX


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