

Friday, July 3, 2015

SIP3 and FMS193


Happy Friday, peeps! Hope you have some fun holiday plans for the weekend!  My plan is to do some cleaning, LOL!  I did make a card for my friend, using the sketch from Freshly Made Sketches (turned on its side):

and the colors from Stamp, Ink Paper:

SIP Color Challenge 3

And here’s my card using Friendly Wishes and Endless Thanks:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Thank You Card Friendly Wishes Stampin Up

The DSP from the Occasions catalog fit a card from me, since most of my spare time these days are spent knitting!  I added some DSP from Cherry on Top and retired Fresh Prints; some Bermuda Bay twine, and a heart from the Circle Card Framelit:


I love these colors! 

It’s blueberry-picking season, and we took Cassidy for the first time.  She was not much help picking, and after a few whiny moments, she wasn’t too bad.  We didn’t stay out too long either!

The farmer gave us a little cart because the path was very muddy:


Cassidy & her baby doll really enjoyed this part:


Helping Grampy pick (and eat):


Part of the first haul:


Thanks for visiting today!


  1. Wow, love those blueberries! Here in California we don't get good ones like that, and mud, its so dry out here the ground is cracking! We would love some rain. Love seeing family posts along with your cards, so many people don't understand the values of family

  2. Such an awesome card!! Love your take on the sketch!! Yum blueberries!! How lucky you guys are! :) Happy 4th my friend!

  3. Cute card LeAnne, I love red and aqua together!! Those blueberries look so scrumptious!! Cute photos of Cassidy ;) Have a safe and happy 4th!!

  4. I love the way you used those colors! Multi-color sentiments are the best! I remember blueberry picking as a child. I wonder if my mother would say that I had a few whiny moments too! Happy 4th of July!!

  5. This is just gorgeous LeAnne! I love your choice of colours and how you've flipped the sketch to work for your card.Thanks for joining us at FMS this week!


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