

Monday, July 14, 2014

Merry Monday 117


Happy Monday, everyone!  It’s time for another Merry Monday too!  Here’s Deanne’s challenge today:

I am late getting on the sequin bandwagon….sometimes I feel certain fads come around and I need to buy a bunch of stuff…..and then I am stuck with the product for the next ten years, LOL!  I did buy a few of the In Color sequins though…they are so pretty and they look so nice on my vintage tree from Graphic 45:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Merry Monday 117 Graphic 45 Christmas Stampin

Since I am gearing up for convention, this was an easy way to create a card…using some cutouts from a piece of DP and adding the sequins, a sentiment from Sweet & Sassy, and some ribbon!


Here’s a closeup of the “ornaments”:


I added a little sequin to the inside, with a sentiment from Amy R Stamps:


Since I am sure you all have waaaay more sequins than I do, I hope you’ll get them out and use them on a card this week, and share it with us at Merry Monday!  Can’t wait to see it!

Since I don’t have a picture of Cassidy today (I won’t see her until I come back from convention), I thought you might like to see a picture of my niece and her new hubby:


A beautiful day, a beautiful bride, a beautiful wedding!

Wee Project Details
Stamps Holiday Greetings (Sweet & Sassy); Handy Christmas Greetings (AmyR Stamps)
Card stock & Papers     Confetti Cream, Graphic 45 Christmas Past
 Ink Cherry Cobbler, Always Artichoke
Accessories In Color Sequins, Cherry Cobbler Seam Binding
Tools     Large Oval Punch, Oval Scallop Punch, Dimensionals


  1. I have a huge container of sequins - I could have sent some to you LOL. Such a lovely card LeAnne - beautiful way to use the sequins.

    Deanne :)

  2. Those sequins are perfect on your tree, LeAnne! Love it. Have a great time at Convention! xo

  3. Those sequins are SO perfect on that tree. I would have never thought to do that! Your niece looks stunning. :)

  4. Oh what a beautiful bride!
    Wonderful card. I had sequins for our challenge this month at Your Paper Pantry. I host that challenge. It is a lot of fun.

  5. Fabulous idea to use your sequins as ornaments. LOVE it!

  6. The sequins make perfect ornaments LeAnne, pretty card! What a handsome couple!!

  7. What a gorgeous vintage tree and the sequins are the perfect touch!

  8. Ooo, pretty card and BEAUITIFUL couple !
    Have fun !!!
    Wish I could be there !!!!!
    Hugs frenchie

  9. Great idea--the sequins look pretty on the tree.

    Enjoy convention.

  10. wow what a gorgeous bride...such a sweet couple!

    I love that graphic 45 paper, I have it too...I think I'll dig it how you made a card with it!

  11. What a beautiful Christmas tree with it's shiny ornaments! Love how you've framed it too! And such a beautiful bride! Have fun at Convention!

  12. Those sequins look perfect on that stunning tree! And what a gorgeous wedding photo!

  13. Beautiful card, LeAnne! Love the tree with the sequins on it! Just the right amount of sparkle! Have a great week at convention! :)

  14. Your card is so pretty with all the sequins, but your niece steals the show being the beautiful bride she is! Have fun at convention!

  15. This card has a vintage feel. Love the use of the Christmas tree patterned paper.

  16. What a fabulous idea! Your card is really amazing, LeAnne. Have a great time at convention!!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!