

Tuesday, March 18, 2014



Hi everyone!  Yay, it’s Tuesday, and all the snow we got yesterday is quickly melting away.  It took me a minute to figure out what that funny noise was….it was melting snow coming down the rain gutters! 
Arielle has a pretty color inspiration for us today, but I have to admit it was a wee bit challenging for me.  Sometimes I will re-do my card, but I left this one as it was this time.  I had other things to stamp, LOL!  Here you go:

And here’s my card:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings ColourQ233 Butterfly Thank You Stampin Up

I punched out butterflies from each of the challenge colors (I used Gumball Green instead of Lucky Limeade) and mounted them on a Naturals White panel.  I thought about stamping big dots behind the butterflies to mimic the pillow in the inspiration photo, but I figured for sure I would mess it up, so I just used the butterflies.  I loosely used the sketch from RetroSketches this week:

turning it on its side so I could fit all the butterflies in!  I used the polymer set, Another Thank You, in Basic Gray for my sentiment, and I used one of the little dies from Chalk Talk to cut a hole for my ribbon:


It looks a wee bit nicer than just a slit!  I added pearls on the ribbon and butterflies, and it was done!
The ColourQ courtiers have created some fabulous things using these colors; it always amazes me how unique each and every one is!  Be sure to check them out and play along with us as well!
Tattoo time (Stampin’ Up! tattoos, that is!):


Enjoy your day!

Products used, including retired Island Indigo Ruffled Ribbon and Patterns DP:
Table built using Product Table Builder by The Crafty Owl - Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.


  1. Such a happy card with those butterflies. So lovely colors too :)

  2. sweet card LeAnne ~ love the butterflies and the ribbon effect that you've done here! oh how I miss chatting with you..but I still pop in on a regular bases...have a wonderful day :-) Cassidy...sweet as ever!!!

  3. Cute card LeAnne! I really like the little notch for your ribbon!

  4. I'm glad you didn't re-do your card this time because it is lovely. Hugs

  5. Great idea to use the chalk talk die for your ribbon. I love this pretty rainbow of butterflies.
    Look at the concentration on Cassidy's face as she colours her sweet.

  6. Love this LeAnne, pretty butterflies. Love your new blog look too!

  7. Love these pretty butterflies and the ribbon treatment is awesome!

  8. I love butterflies... and it is my unbiased opinion that this card is just perfect in every way! :-) Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, LeAnne.
    xxx Asha

  9. Another great card - great use of the challenge colours and the ribbon fastening is inspired!

  10. What a gorgeous card! I just love things all lined up like that, be they butterflies, squares, circle, flowers or whatever. I like that you left a row out for the greeting and the ribbon. You ribbon slit idea is just brilliant!


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