

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Paper Players 166

Happy Sunday, players!  Nance is our hostess today at the Paper Players and she has a fun Halloween challenge for us:
At my manager’s retreat recently, my sideline Pam Joel gifted us with a little Ghiradelli chocolate holder, which had been given to her by our upline, Pennie!  She gave me permission to share them with you, and I’ve made them into Halloween candy holders:
LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Paper Players 166 Candy Holder Trio Spooky Bingo Bits
Spooky Bingo Bits is one of my favorite Halloween sets and I know it is retired, but it is still available through MDS!  So I am using it here today, along with some retired DP:
LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Paper Players 166 Halloween Treat Candy Holder Spooky Bingo Bits
This one uses a hexagon from Six-Sided Sampler, along with some heat embossing and a scary bat!
This uses a big glimmer paper moon and a sentiment from Googly Ghouls:
And this uses some more heat embossing along with some googly eyes from last year’s Halloween kit:
And in here, you can see how the candy fits in:
Since this is picture-heavy, I will be sharing a quick tutorial on my blog on Wednesday, so be sure to come back!!!
And my little trio also uses the colors at the Fab Friday 28 challenge:
We picked out some pumpkins at our little local farm this past week:
But I think she liked putting the money in the box the best!!!
Enjoy your day!


  1. OMG so darling for treat holders. I wanted to get a pumpkin but didn't figure I needed it. Darling pics.
    Hugs, Bev

  2. These are cute. I will make some for the grands when I see the tutorial. Thanks so much.

  3. Love these little goodies. What is it about a little sweet treat that just feels like a great big ol' present? I love all the different designs. Fun to see Cassidy with the 22 year old son away in DC still wants to come back to carve his pumpkin;)

  4. CUTE treat holders LeAnne!! Love the colors you've used too! I'm more into Halloween treats than maybe I can get one done! :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  5. OMG , Ms LeeAnn I can't
    Wait till wed , there so cute !!!!
    And that little Casher is so cute !!!!!!!!
    Have a nice day !!!!
    Hugs to you both

  6. What fun treat holders, LeAnne! I couldn't wait to scroll down and see what was inside. Your cute pumpkin picking photos add to the festivity! Hugs :)

  7. What cute little treat holders! I like the bat and shots hanging a bit off the tops as if they are flying away! Thanks for sharing at Fab Friday!

  8. Ooooh these are fun!!! Hey anything with chocolate involved wins me over LOL!! The pumpkins at the farm are super, but they can't hold a candle to your little "grandpumpkin" ;)

  9. these are darling and I could use some of those chocolates :-)

  10. Ooooh, I want to see that tutorial! These are CUTE! (As cute as Cassidy... almost!)

  11. Cute as can be! I love the retired Halloween stuff!

  12. These turned out adorable LeAnne - thanks for sharing!

  13. These are fantastic, LeAnne! So cute but simple to make. Love the way you've decorated each one and it's the perfect use of Spooky Bingo Bits! Thanks for rockin' my treat challenge!

  14. LeAnne, these packets are fabulous and what a great way to use the bingo bits!
    Love them all

  15. What's not to love? Cute packaging and chocolate...just adorable!

  16. These are so adorable! I love the little eyes added to the skeleton and all of the cute touches that make them so special. Thanks for joining us at Fab Friday!

  17. These are adorable, LeAnne! I'm off to check out the tutorial so I can make some.


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