

Monday, October 28, 2013

Merry Monday 81


Happy Monday, peeps!  Time for another fun challenge from Merry Monday!  Here’s the jolly fellow himself:

I had about a gazillion ideas swirling around in my head for this challenge, but I already had this image stamped and just sitting on my desk, so I went with it!  Here you go:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Merry Monday 81 Santa Christmas CAS

I have a really, really busy week coming up, so I was thrilled that this CAS card came together so easily!  I used some papers from SU’s Season of Style designer pad and some Gumball Green ribbon and cardstock.  Easy peasy!!!  Now, what can YOU come up with for this Santa-themed challenge?  Can’t wait to see your ideas!  Check all the designers’ creations at Lesley’s blog, Always Playing with Paper!  And since I have such a busy week, I am going to be taking a little blogging break, but I’ll be back on Sunday with the next Paper Players challenge!  Enjoy your week!

It’s time to play in the leaves!


Wee Project Details
Stamps Santa Silhouette (Katy Sue Designs); Holly Jolly Christmas (Echo Park)
Card stock & Papers     Whisper White, Gumball Green, Season of Style DP
 Ink Real Red, Gumball Green
Accessories Gumball Green Stitched Ribbon
Tools     Oval & Oval Scallop Punches


  1. Beautiful Card! Great image.
    Now you have to teach her to rake. LOL It has been so windy here in the prairie that we don have to rake. Well we like in the country and we mow our leaves in the Spring. LOL Lazy and old.

  2. Great CAS Santa! Love the traditional colors and all the white space. Have a great week, LeAnne! See you Sunday!

  3. A wonderful red Santa LeAnne! what a great image that you can just stamp and not have to color!

  4. What a jolly ole elf! Great match for the paper and ribbon! Have a great week!

  5. I love the bold paper and stamp set on the crisp white background LeAnne.
    A beautifully designed card.

  6. Oh I love the Santa silhouette! Lovely card! Cute pictures of the little one playing in the leaves :) Enjoy your break!

  7. Super cute & CAS, LeAnne! I love the pop of green with the red. Such a fantastic card.

    Hope your week is a good one and you enjoy your bloggy break.

  8. Such a cute card, LeAnne! Love your Santa image and your striped paper! :)

  9. Cute Santa card,I like the peppermint stripes! Weeeee Cassidy looks like she really had FUN!!

  10. Hi LeAnne. Love your Santa on the candy-cane striped background - so fun! Loll xx

  11. Those leaves look like fun! Great Santa card, LeAnne, love the striped paper and the festive feel!

  12. Fabulous card Leanne, I love the Santa silhouette.

  13. Great card, LeAnne! I love this festive looking Santa and you've framed him wonderfully!

  14. It's a wonderful image and you have showcased him perfectly with the simple candy cane stripe and green ribbon! I am smiling broadly - I don't think there is anything sweeter than a kid and a pile of leaves!

  15. Beautiful CAS card LeAnne, I like your Santa image.

  16. Wonderful Santa card, LeAnne! I LOVE the silhouette image of Santa! It looks wonderful paired with the striped paper!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!