

Thursday, September 26, 2013


LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings FMS 105 Another Thank You-001

Howdy, peeps!  Just a quick post today…..I do feel better, thanks to all who were concerned!  But I seem to have a craft room full of unfinished projects, none of which are getting done.  So I may take the next few days to finish them up….we’ll see how that goes!  But today I am sharing a thank you card using the Freshly Made Sketches sketch from this week:

I pulled out some gorgeous papers from KI’s Autumn Flowers line, as well as the new polymer stamp from SU, Another Thank You:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings FMS 105 Another Thank You

Once I figured out which papers to use, the rest was easy…stamping in Chocolate Chip ink, a brown stitched ribbon and some glittered flowers, and I was done!

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings FMS 105 Another Thank You-002

Thanks for lookin’!

Some outside fun:





  1. Such a pretty card today Leanne, glad you feel better! You can't beat a good swing!

  2. I love this LeAnne. What beautiful papers. What did you use to glitter the flowers? So pretty.

  3. CONGRATS LeAnne! You were chosen as one of our Honorary Mentions for the A.R.T. CAS Sketch Challenge! Head on over and grab your badge! ~Cheryl, Senior DT

  4. Sucha beautiful card!! Beautiful papers,and i love the flowers! So pretty!
    Cute photos of your granddaughter!! :)

  5. This is a gorgeous thank you card, LeAnne! How do you like the polymer stamps? This sure is a pretty one! Love that paper too!

  6. It was a great day for a swing! I had a dentist appointment. Just a cleaning but my face really hurts. Tis the season. Mold is in the air. LOL
    Very pretty card. I love the pretty flowers and what you did with them.

  7. Glad you are feeling better.
    Love your pretty card and pretty papers.

  8. Can't believe how big Cassidy is getting!

    LOVE those flowers, LeAnne... where'd you get 'em???

  9. So very pretty LeAnne!! Love the bits of sparkle on this!! HUGS :)

  10. So lovely! That paper is beautiful and the glitter on the flowers...perfect.

  11. I missed this card.......It is beautiful. Soft and gorgeous combo. I love the sparkle you added to the flowers.
    I always love seeing Cassidy wearing her fushia boots. I love pink/fushia and some people say it is my signature colour, so sometimes I think Cassidy might be a girl after my own heart ;)

  12. Beautiful card for this week's sketch. And, I just love those sweet swing pictures. Ahhhh, to be that carefree again!

  13. Oh, this is so pretty, LeAnne! I love the papers and those glittery flowers. So clean and simple, yet sooooo pretty. Thanks for sharing with us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  14. Wow!!!! LOVE this thank you card LeAnne ~ beautifully done...Cassidy, you're just way to cute in those boots ~ Have a super day LeAnne :-)


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