

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

ColourQ202 & CCMC263


Happy Tuesday, peeps!  Popping in today with another ColourQ challenge:

I was wishing I had one of those big doily stamps, but I decided to go a different route and use a new SU set, A Round Array:

LeAnne Pugliese_CQC202 Wee Inklings A Round Array

I combined it with some various DPs in the challenge colors, stamping each little element in Basic Gray and Ruby Red, then cutting out the centers and popping them up:


I also used the cool sketch from this week’s Create with Connie & Mary:


For some added interest, I embossed diagonal lines on the card front, added some washi tape, baker’s twine, ribbon and candy dots!  The sentiment is from Remembering Your Birthday.   I like that this isn’t frilly & girly…..but still a fun birthday card.  I have a few friends that might like this card!  Hope you can play with us this week—can’t wait to see what you come up with once you slap on your creative thinking cap!

Cassidy was helping Grampy spread stone with her own little pink shovel:

And when she found one that was too big, she was a big helper, and put it in the bucket of the tractor:

Thanks for stopping by!

Wee Project Details
Stamps A Round Array, Remembering Your Birthday
Card stock & Papers     Ruby Red, Daffodil Delight, Whisper White; Fan Fair, Summer Smooches & Neutral Patterns DP
 Ink Ruby Red, Basic Gray
Accessories Stitched Ribbon, Baker's Twine, Candy Dots, Epic Day This & That Washi Tape
Tools     1 1/4" Circle Punch, 7/8" Scallop Punch, 1" Circle Punch, Dimensionals, Diagonal Scoring Plate


  1. LeAnne I love your stamped image that mimics the pillow from the photo!! Grampy has a stylish road crew member with those cute "work" boots!!

  2. That rock in the tractor made me laugh so hard, I spit out my coffee! She is adorable and I love her imagination. I like your take on the doily as well.

  3. You rocked both challenges today! Love the sketch and you did it proud with that great color combo!

  4. Fabulous take on the sketch and what a great way to use up those paper scraps! :)

  5. that detail looks so much like that pillow! Awesome!

  6. Love this, LeAnne! You took an interesting sketch and made it even more interesting with your mix of patterns and shapes. You rocked the challenge!

  7. I love all the things you added here and there with all of your layers. Fabulous card! Thanks for playing Create with Connie & Mary this week!

  8. LeAnne,
    You nailed this one down! Gorgeous take on the inspiration!

  9. Oooooooooo....this is just SOOOO DELIGHFUL!!! Such wonderful colors and I love your little 'doily' stamp! Thanks for playing along this week in the Create with Connie and Mary Thursday Challenge!

  10. I love how you decorated each panel! You've created a lot of interest! Gorgeous!! Thanks for playing the challenge at Create with Connie and Mary!

  11. Oh LeAnne...I know I can always be WOW'd by your cards! LOVE how you used tiny stamp images and made it look great on the panels of DSP! I adore the Bakers Twine touch, too...I'll be casing that for sure! Great card and SO glad you joined us for the sketch challenge this week on Create with Connie and Mary!

    P.S...have I ever told you that I admire your photo journey of Cassidy's life...just everyday life things. She is getting BIG. With my new grandson moving here soon, I hope to do the same!

  12. I LOVE this! A perfect blend of textures, papers and stamps!

  13. Your card is just beautiful! I love how you used the Round Array on the panels and all the other lovely details! Thanks for joining us for the color challenge this week at Create with Connie and Mary!

  14. Fabulous card LeAnne! So many wonderful little elements combined to make a great card! Thanks so much for joining the sketch challenge this week at Create with Connie and Mary!

  15. OMgosh, your card is so spot on from the inspo picture! Love it!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!