

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dynamic Duos 56

Happy Wednesday, peeps!  After a rocky start to my stamping week (I just could not get the mojo going!) I finally stamped something that I actually loved!  I was excited when I saw the Dynamic Duos colors this weekend:
and while I was “shopping” the My Digital Studio downloads, I came across a fantastic set of background stamps, so I printed one out in Blushing Bride and went to work:
Edited to add:  Sorry, I should have given you the name of the My Digital Studio set:  it is called Bunch of Backgrounds!!!  I have discovered that my printer prints colors much more saturated than they should be, so this is a little off from the actual Blushing Bride color, but it is still lovely!  I added some diecut and punched butterflies as well as some retired pleated ribbon and a little diecut border.  I have a few friends that I need to send “thinking of you” cards, so this is a good start!  I just LOVE this paper!
Last weekend when my college roomies were visiting, I “made” them stamp a card with me!  It wasn’t anything complicated, I used the new Label Love set and some Fan Fair DP….and they LOVED it and each put their own spin on their cards:
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  1. This is so beautiful LeAnne, those butterflies are gorgeous, looks like Blushing Bride to me.

  2. Hey! Where's the Cassidy pix??? 😉

    It is a beautiful card. I've printed MDS projects on three different printers and each one is more saturated than the actual colors. I haven't researched to see if there are adjustments I can make and have decided to embrace it as a monochromatic look! The same thing with your card - I like it because the pink in the butterfly stands out and is highlighted beautifully!

  3. Beautiful card. Love this color combo and your pretty butterfly.

  4. Love these colours too LeAnne ~ not sure if I'll get a chance to join in the fun...but will sure try...and your card is beautiful! LOVE the butterfly and background paper....fabulous!!! couldn't agree with you more!!! I've got to hop over to my MDS and see if I have that background ... do you remember the name of it! TFS and enjoy your day!

  5. This card is beautiful - I would like to know the name of the background stamp as well!

  6. Oooooo gorgeous! And how fun to stamp with your roomies!

  7. This is simply stunning and your printer does a wonderful job IMHO! I just love that background!

  8. Wow - so soft and so pretty LeAnne! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this card! I think I'm getting addicted to MDS - don't know how to use it, but I love buying the downloads!

  9. What a happy card LeAnne and I sure do miss our satin ribbon! Thanks for playing Dynamic Duos this week!

  10. Oh my! Such a lovely card!! I got MDS when it first came out and have yet to use it - don't know why - seeing this background makes me want to give it a shot. Where would I find the download?? I know you've had a grand time with your friends - wonderful to still be connected

  11. This card is SO pretty LeAnne! I love how you've used our challenge colors...and those sweet butterflies!
    I'm so glad you joined us this week at Dynamic Duos :)

    P.S. Looks like your college roomies had fun!

  12. Squeal......... I hadn't seen this MDS download. How did I miss it? It's fabulous and your card is amazing. I love the pink and brown and I love the layered butterflies. Heck, I love everything about it.
    Now... I'm off to go find those backgrounds!

  13. Gorgeous car LeAnne !! I love anything with butterflies. I might have to make something with this Dynamic Duo - i love both of these colors !! TFS


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