

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dumplings by the Dozen

This is just a quick little post today….I have relocated my stamping supplies to the family room so no stamping going on in the last couple of days!!!  I wanted to share the gift that I made for my club hostesses; I lost the original picture, which showed ALL the different fabrics, so I will just have to show you two that happened to be at our last club meeting:


Sorry the photo isn’t better…I snapped it on my kitchen table!  They are called dumpling bags and I got the directions to make them HERE.  (I made the larger one).   I wish you could see the inside; they are lined with coordinating fabrics and they have a little ruffled ribbon tie on the zipper.  VERY cute and big enough to hold Snips & Snail to tote with you when stamping at an event!!!  And since some of the fabric on the Clearance Rack is $.99, you can make one for a song!   Here’s a closer view of one:


I made FOURTEEN of these!  I started back in the fall, and I don’t have my get-together until January,  so there was a lot less pressure than if I had to have them done by Christmas! 

Enjoy your day---be sure to stop back tomorrow for the Paper Players challenge, where I am the hostess!

Bubbles in the sink!



  1. Sooo cute! What lucky hostesses you have!!!

  2. You are so crafty all the way around! These are adorable!

  3. LeAnne! Thank you! They are very nice!!!! I like it! And fabric is very beautiful! ♥ Nika

  4. These little bags are so cute, LeAnne! I cringe at the thought of sewing those zippers! Hats off to you for making 14 of them!

  5. LeAnne these are adorable. I love these. I know your club hostesses feel very lucky to have you as their demo and to have received these wonderful gifts from you. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow. Wish I was one of YOUR hostesses!!

  7. Oh ms Leeann , I want to buy one , please
    Really !! Let me know ,
    There do cute and pretty ,
    Here's my email
    Juges Frenchie

  8. These are really cute. I read the directions but would need a few more to get it done.
    Oh moving what a big chore. I know a lady that is looking for donations to a women's shelter for the craft room it you need some place to send some stuff.
    Bubbles in the sink, what fun!

  9. Awesome! Thanks for this :) xoxo

  10. What a cute project. Might have to dust off the sewing machine and give these a try.

  11. Those are just wonderful, I need to join your group so I can get one. :)

  12. Wow Leanne, these are fantastic! They look like they came from a chic little shop costing a fortune. Very well made...hats off to you! I love them and I bet your hostess girls were thrilled.

    Your sweet Cassidy looks like she was having a ball!

  13. These are ADORABLE! I'm always looking for little bags like this to take with me when I'm on the run! TFS the link!

  14. Awesome! Those are some lucky ladies!


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