

Thursday, January 3, 2013

CTD223 and DS83

My friend Bev lost her mom on New Year’s Eve, and I know she is missing her terribly.  I used the Color Throwdown 223 color palette with the Deconstructed Sketch #83 to make her a card:
Deconstructed Sketch No. 83

At first the colors did not appeal to me, but after seeing the design team’s samples, I thought I would give it a shot.  I decided that I liked the neutral tones with a pop of color.  I used images from Nature Walk and French Foliage, first randomly stamping on the Crumb Cake card base and embossing it with the Fancy Fan EF:
and then stamping the birdcage image on a Very Vanilla oval and also doing some random stamping as well.  I added a scalloped canvas piece and I got the sentiment in the right place this time!
This one is for you, Bev!  Thinking of you & praying for you. 
If anyone has questions about anything I’ve used here, just shoot me an email!
This is what happens when you are on the computer for just a couple minutes and your DGD gets hungry:
She got a spoon from the drawer, pulled out all the yogurts in the fridge, including one that was open, and had a little snack!!!  I guess I had better be watching her a little more!!!


  1. Beautiful card to let your friend know you are thinking of her. Love the texture!
    Shanna :)

  2. What a gorgeous sweet card. I know your friend will be comforted by your beautiful gesture.

  3. Lovely card LeAnne. It's a shame it has to be for such a sad occasion,but I'm sure Bev will cherish it.

    Your DGD is so cute! I love how she has ALL of the yogurts out trying to choose her favorite.

    Have a Happy New Year!


  4. Nice card, ya know I think I bought this stamp set just from seeing some of your work with it! Oh and kudos to your GD for choosing such a healthy snack! :)

  5. lol. love the photo of Cassidy with her yogurt. I guess grandma better watch a little more closely.

    Your card is beautiful and I love the color combo.

  6. You rocked both challenges, LeAnne. Love how you used them both and you are severely tempting me with the EF you used LOL! Gotta love a girl who knows when she is hungry and does something about it ;)

  7. New to your blog. What a lovely way to comfort your friend! Beautiful!!
    Can you tell me what embossing folder you used?

  8. Oh she is going to keep you on your toes now! So sweet that she got something good for her.
    Great card!

  9. I'm so sorry about your friend's mother. That's a rough start to the new year. This card will SURELY help her though, it's stunning and heartfelt. And that little Cassidy. I love the impromptu snack!!! Happy New Year, LeAnne :)

  10. This one is just beautiful, so many details. I'm sure your friend will appreciate it.

  11. What a gorgeous card, LeAnne! Sad for Bev, tho. Such a difficult way to start a new year.

    I follow your blog and haven't commented before even tho I LOVE your work! But after seeing your granddaughter trying out the yogurt cups, I was reminded of a pic my mom has of me about that age - with a box of thin mints spread around me on the floor - one little bite taken from each! Haha. We girls love our options! :)

  12. Beautiful card as always, LeAnne! Sorry for your friend's loss! And gosh darn those little people!!! They are always getting into mischief but what a cutie she is!

  13. What a beautiful card to comfort your friend. Losing your Mom is never an easy thing, but on New Year's Eve, it has to be so much worse :(
    Oh the fun of choosing your own snack! I'd be grateful that she didn't open all of them! LOL The first cheesecake I ever made became a Saturday morning breakfast for my daughter years ago. She got it out of the refrigerator (along with a spoon) and carried it to the living room to eat & watch cartoons while we slept! LOL By the time we woke up, she'd eaten well over half the cheesecake! LOL

  14. Gorgeous, LeAnne! I love all the texture with the EF and the canvas. :)

  15. Lovely card- just sorry to hear it's for the reason it is. As for Cassidy, at least she's going after yogurt and not boxes of cookies or something like that. :)

  16. Wow - stamping, stamping, stamping at its finest! Just gorgeous!

  17. beautiful card! love that of my fav stamps:)

  18. This card is just gorgeous and Nature Walk is one of my favorite stamp sets. You're reminding me to dust it off!

  19. LOVE this SU set using the throwdown colors! I have it and never know what to do with it, but you've inspired me! So glad you were able to play along with us again!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!