

Monday, October 29, 2012

CAS194 & IB47


We are still on hurricane watch here in SE PA, and we still have power, so I was able to get a little extra stamping time in today!  I was thrilled to have this card chosen as a winner for the last Inspired By challenge!  Woohoo!  So of course, I wanted to play again this week because look at this fun inspiration photo:

The clean and simple challenge at SCS was collage style, and I love that as well, so I did a one-layer card incorporating some vintage images with a pink typewriter from Established Elegance:


I stamped my typewriter in Blushing Bride, then using my SU grid paper, I made a mask for the front of my card as well as a mask for the typewriter, and sponged the inside with Sahara Sand ink, then stamped my collage images.  A simple saying from Blessings from Heaven and my one-layer card was done!


Praying that everyone is staying safe, warm & dry on the east coast!  And thank you to those who have been praying for us…we appreciate it!

Cassidy playing with some fun buttons sent to me by my friend Martha:



  1. Very vintage/shabby card and I love it. Glad to hear you are safe so far and the power is still on.

  2. LeAnne!! This is gorgeous! I'm going to print this out so I can CASE it when we loose power. haha!! Thanx for sharing your amazing creativity with us! So blessed to have YOU as my SU! Grammy!!! ~xoxo

  3. Such a lovely, elegant card. Please be safe. :)

  4. Wow, LeAnne, this looks like another winner to me! That pink typewriter and butterfly are so pretty against the collage you've created!

  5. Seriously stunning card! Thank you for playing!

  6. Happy to see you are safe my friend. Love your card and the Merry Monday one too and that grin of Cassidy is darling. Stay safe and thanks for updating that you are okay. I hope your Dad is okay too. Hugs, Bev

  7. Fabulous LeAnne! I love this style of stamping! So pretty! Gorgeous creating! A few years ago I did something similar, one of the few times I've had something published. Your card makes me want to try my hand at it again! TFS!

  8. Oh my goodness I remember playing with my grandmothers buttons. They were not as fun as those but I still loved sorting them.
    Your card is gorgeous! Love how the boarder sets it all of. Wow amazing!

  9. WOW - LeAnne,this is gorgeous! So soft and vintagey. I love the collage and the colours you've used here. I don't have all of these stamps, but I sure would love to try to CASE this with what I do have.
    Praying for your safety.

  10. Congratulations on your win LeAnne - this one could be another winner I think! I love your collage and the way you stamped it in neutrals allowing the butterfly and typewriter to pop in pink.

    We've been hearing about hurricane Sandy and the devastation it's leaving on the east coast. You are in our prayers.

  11. The master stamper strikes again! Gorgeous!

  12. What a gorgeous card. You've created so much depth with your stamping and sponging. Fantastic job!


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