

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Goodbye Sweet Friend FMS39


It’s been a bit of a sad week.  Last Friday I fed my sweet little Pumpkin her breakfast, which she ate like a champion, then ran off to do whatever a 19-year-old kitty does…..and she never came back.  I can only assume that her little heart gave out and sensing that feeling, went off to die in peace. 






She was a great cat…never gave me any trouble, never ran away, never clawed the furniture or jumped up on counters or tables; she slept a lot in her later years but still could catch a mouse like any young cat!  We miss her a lot but know she gave us lots of love & pleasure in her long life.  When I saw the new set SU came out with called Storybook Friends, I knew I had to get it!  I played around with the cat image, not really planning to use it for anything, as I was just using markers and coloring it hurriedly, but I decided to keep it and use it for today’s card, which uses the Freshly Made Sketches sketch 39:

I pulled out some retired DP in fun colors and here’s my card:


(It really doesn’t look like Pumpkin as she has white paws and chest, but as I said, I was just sort of playing around.)  I also got to use the Hearts Framelits; new stitched satin ribbon in Summer Starfruit; and the Fancy Fan embossing folder.  Sentiment is from Petite Pairs.

Here’s a last shot of Pumpkin (and an embarrassing one of yours truly!) with me on the couch.  We were both actually asleep when John snapped this photo.  Goodbye, sweet friend!



  1. So sorry LeAnne! Adorable "tribute" card but so sorry to hear Pumpkin is gone.

  2. Sorry to hear about your cat but it sounds like she live a long and happy 19 years.

    Love the card and that new stamp set.

  3. Cute card, sad story. Hugs to you!

  4. Oh, LeAnne, I'm so sorry for your loss. That last shot is so sweet, and even though you said Pumpkin was asleep, it looks like she's surfing the web while you're taking a break!

  5. Leanne I am so sorry that Pumpkin left...she was very loved for 19 wonderful years, and I hope your memories keep you going when you miss her! Maybe she can catch up with Chansey in heaven and they can commisserate on their owners stampin addiction...

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet friend. I hate that they are only around for a short while, but they add so much to our lives. My sympathies go out to you and your family.

    Lovely card to honor your little Pumpkin.

  7. So sorry for your loss. It is apparent that she was well loved.

  8. A special tribute card for a very special pet in your life. I'm sorry you lost her this way but you can be content in knowing she had a long, happy, and loving life.

  9. Oh LeAnne, I feel so bad and am so sorry for the loss of your pet like the new So Sorry set says. Very cute card. Hugs,Bev

  10. So sorry, LeAnne! I know how hard it is to lose a furry friend! I have 3 cats right now and hate to think that a day will come when we will miss them.

  11. Oh Leanne....I have tears in my eyes! So sorry for your loss. Our kitty is 17 and I am dreading the day he is no longer and praying it doesn't fall during any exam times for my daughter as she'll be a total wreck. They definitely worm their ways into your heart. Loved seeing the pictures and sending huge cyber ((hugs))!

  12. OH I am so sorry! I feel so sad. Well Pumpkin and Max are chasing mice together in kitty heaven. I just can't get over how much a like they were. I love the picture of your two napping with the computer close by. That could have been a picture of Max and I. LOL
    Your card is adorable! SU may have a cute cat this time.
    Sending a big hug and I do know how you feel. Getting Lucy really helped me.

  13. Sorry to hear about your fury friend. What a nice dedication. Thanks for your continued inspiration in cardmaking.

    Anne in MN

  14. Leanne, I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of Pumpkin. I have tears in my eyes and sympathize with your family. Your pictures are wonderful though and I hope they can bring you comfort in the days ahead. Big hugs to you.

  15. Oh LeAnne. Big Hugs my friend. My heart goes out to you; we have 3 of our own fur babies and I just can't imagine saying goodbye to any of them. Pumpkin was truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and live such a long life.

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about Pumpkin. I hope your heart stays full of sweet memories of your furry little friend.

  17. LeAnne - a beautiful tribute. So very sorry to hear about your loss.

  18. Oh, LeAnne!! I am just heartbroken for you!! It's so hard not knowing what happened. You've been blessed with 19 years of wonderful memories!! Sending hugs and prayers to you and John ...and Cassidy. xoxoxo

  19. Oh LeAnne, I'm so sorry to hear you've lost your lovely Pumpkin. What a beautiful photographic tribute and a lovely card. Sending hugs, Vicky

  20. Aw, LeAnne... I'm SO sorry! Sending you lots of cyber hugs and love!

  21. Sorry about your dear kitty friend, LeAnne. You've created a wonderful card for her. I especially love the embossed heart! I enjoyed looking at all the pictures - Hugs!

  22. oh LeAnne ~ I am SO sorry for you ~ you'll be in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day and the coming weeks ~ hugs ~

  23. LeAnne, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Pumpkin. It's never easy losing a beloved member of the family - so I'm sending along some prayers and cyber hugs.

  24. Oh LeAnne, my heart hearts for you. I'm so sorry! Pumpkin looks like a wonderful friend and what a joy for you to have shared many wonderful years together. Such lovely photos! Truly, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard this is.

    Big hugs!


  25. LeAnne -- So very sorry to hear about Pumpkin. I don't think she wanted to put you through seeing her pass on.
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Nice card in Pumpkin's memory.
    Take care....

    Hugs 'N Blessings

  26. I am very sorry for the loss of your friend. Thanks for sharing your story and your cute card :)

  27. I know how sad you are to have lost pumpkin, and it must be even sadder to not know what happened to her. Sending hugs and fond wishes your way - the card is adorable and I'm sure pumpkin would have loved it too :)

  28. Sweet card and sweet sweet kitty - loved her name. So hard to lose those furry friends....xoxox

  29. I like your card but am sad to hear about your sweet friend. Hard to lose a pet.

  30. I'm so sorry to hear about Pumpkin. I loved seeing all of the photos - especially the last one on your post. Your story makes your card all the more poignant. Thanks for sharing. Big hugs to you.


  31. LeAnne I'm so sorry to hear about Pumpkin. I'm glad that you can look back on happy memories of her. I'll be praying for you as you are missing your little friend. Such a cute card you made using some of your new supplies.

  32. My heart is with you sweet friend - rest in peace dear Pumpkin

  33. What a beautiful tribute to Pumpkin. I am sorry you lost such a special and wonderful little friend.

  34. So sorry LeAnne for you loss. My prayers are with you.

  35. LeAnne, I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty! Your card is beautiful! I love the pretty polka dot paper and the embossed heart! The kitty is colored perfectly - too cute!

  36. LeAnne, I'm so sorry for you loss of your wonderful companion. I'm sure she would love your card.

  37. LeAnne, I am so sorry about your sweet little Pumpkin! What a great bunch of photos you shared of her, also. She had a very long life full of love from you and your family. Thinking of you and sending you a big hug, my friend.

  38. I am so sorry, LeAnne. It is so hard not knowing exactly what happened...but we do know that you provided a happy loving home for Pumpkin and she was one lucky girl to have lived such a long life. Sweet dreams Pumpkin and big hugs to you, my friend. ((hugs))

  39. I'm so sorry to read about Pumpkin. My heart aches for you and your family. I know how much our fur-babies mean to us and how much love and joy they bring us.

    A sweet your sentiment!

  40. LeAnne, what a gorgeous tribute card and what fabulous photos to remember her by. She'll be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

  41. Pumpkin looks like a very special friend (and a perfect blanket!) sorry for your loss.

  42. Oh, LeAnne! I am so sorry about Pumpkin. I know how much you loved her. My heart aches for you. But know that she lives forever in your memories and in your heart...

  43. So sorry to hear about Pumpkin's loss. It is so very hard to lose them when you have had a pet for so long, they become part of the family. Time will heal your hearts, and help you remember Pumpkin fondly. I love this card you have made in her memory, so sweet. Take care.

  44. Oh Leanne,
    I just can't imagine the day. Cats really enter our hearts. Our little girl left us a year and a half ago. It's sad not knowing what happened exactly. I hope you find a new furry friend again one day.

  45. Oh LeAnne!! I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sweet friend. I'm a huge cat lover myself, and know just what an impact these furbabies have on our lives. Sending you hugs and sweet thoughts & prayers!

  46. Oh LeAnne, I am so sorry. what a sweet friend she was. I am sure she is still watching over you. Hugs &love to you, my friend.

  47. What a sweet baby, LeAnne! I know you'll miss her! I love the sweet paper and darling stamp!

  48. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet friend. Sounds like she was well-loved by you and had a very happy home and life. 19 years..........that is just amazing! Love the card you made in her memory :)

  49. My heart cries for you! We said goodbye to a 19 yo kitty in October. These old friends are truly a gift and it sounds like your Pumpkin knew how much she was loved. How blessed you both have been. Lovely card and a wonderful tribute. Hugs!

  50. So sorry for your loss. Your card is a lovely tribute to your sweet kitty.

  51. She looks like such a sweet kitty who obviously lived a wonderfully pampered life, being loved by someone like you. I'm so sorry for your loss, LeAnne. Your card is a darling tribute to Pumpkin.

  52. I am so sorry and saddened to learn of your loss of Pumpkin, LeAnne. You wrote me last year when we had to put our cat Ellie to sleep and you mentioned then how you worried about losing Pumpkin. She obviously had a long, happy, and healthy life, but I know the hurt of losing her is no less. Your sweet card is a great tribute to your special friend. I love all the wonderful pictures of her! It is obvious she was very loved! May the sadness of losing her be replaced with happy memories that make you smile!


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