

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Vintage Bathing Beauty


I am squeaking in another card today, one with very little stamping, but a fun image using some Graphic45 paper I had.  First, it uses the TechnoStamper sketch 223 for this week:

and is also for the Sugar Creek Hollow’s challenge 13, which is fashion, and (this is stretching it a bit) lastly, for City Crafter’s challenge 111, which is travel, and you need a ticket!! So here we go:


This card is larger than usual, about 6 1/2 by 4 1/4, to accomodate my bathing beauty!  I cut some mini posters from the paper, which is where I got the “transportion” – see the Union Castle Line????  I also cut two banners from vellum cardstock on which to stamp my sentiment, then layered them to get the double ends, plus it helps give a little more opacity to the vellum but still allowing the background to show through a bit.


And my ticket is from my great-aunt’s estate….she never threw anything away, and she did a lot of traveling, so I saved some of the goodies I found while helping my dad clean out her house:


Thanks for visiting today!





  1. Oh she is so lovely! I love the vintage tag from your great-aunt. That is wonderful! Did you make copies of it? Wonderful Card!
    And so sweet of Cassidy starting write and coloring. Very very sweet!

  2. Oooooo look at that pencil she's using :) And your card is so pretty too!!

  3. Love your vintage card ... Some fabulous images ... and I love that little cutie pie ... she's adorable! ... many thanks for playing along at CCCB

  4. Lovely, I would have never recognized this as a card by you! I love the way you used all the different images, and the tag is a perfect finishing touch. Fun. Thanks so much for playing along with my sketch challenge this week.

  5. What gorgeous papers showcasing the vintage bathing beauties. Love the ticket and your added posters! Thanks for sharing at Sugar Creek Hollow!
    Your daughter is lovely!

    Patti SCH/DT

  6. too beautiful!!!!!! gorgeous image! And that child is a cutie patutie!

    thanks for sharing with us at Sugar Creek Hollow this week!

    Holly SCH DT

  7. I just love the vintage feel of your card! Beautiful! Your little girl is just DARLING!!! We have all boys in my family! She is way too cute!! You are sooo lucky!!
    Thanks for joining us at Sugar Creek Hollow!

  8. Your card looks wonderful love the vintage image.. Your Granddaughter is getting so big. She is a cutie..

    Thanks so much for playing along with us over at CCCB!

  9. Hello! Congrats on winning the Vintage Fashion challenge at Sugar Creek Hollow! I can see why; your card is fabulous. I love love vintage poster art. Great job!

  10. How fabulous... love the vintage images!
    Thanks for sharing the photos... darling!!!

  11. FABULOUS card!! LOVE those vintage images!! DARLING photos!!!
    Thahnks so much for playing along at CCCB!

  12. Such a fun vintage card, LeAnne, love the travel theme! So glad you joined in the fun at the City Crafter blog this week.


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