

Friday, May 11, 2012

ISSC15 Be Happy

Yay, it’s Friday!  What a beautiful weekend it’s lining up to be!  I have a quick card to post before I get to my chores today!  I noticed that both Arielle and Lesley had recently used a sketch from iSpy Sketches, so I thought I’d check them out.  They “spy” sketches from other blogs and feature them weekly.   Gorgeous samples from their designers!  Here is today’s:
I recently got some MME paper called Be Amazing, and it worked beautifully with the same Pink Paislee set I used yesterday:
I just love these papers!  I added a felt flower, some punched leaves and scrunched up ribbon.  I will add a sentiment on the inside when I need to send it out!  TFL!
How about cheerios and chocolate pudding for breakfast?


  1. Love the BEE card. Cassidy is as precious as ever--even with chocolate on her face. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Fabulous use of the sketch - that bg paper is divine! Thanks for joining in with I Spy!

  3. GORGEOUS!! I love the "honeycomb" paper at the bottom, anne I love the colors, too:) Hope you have a very FABULOUS Mother's Day, LeAnne! Big hugs:)

  4. Sounds like a fun breakfast to me - looks like Cassidy agrees.
    Wonderful card LeAnne. I love those papers. Your ribbon treatment is so pretty. Love the stitching too.

  5. i loved that paper too. i just went back to my lss to buy a 2nd sheet of it!
    your card is beautiful. i love the way you added the bee, and the ribbon too.

  6. LeAnne, love this card. Fabulous job on the sketch and color combo you used, especially the bee and ribbon.

  7. LeAnne, love this card. Amazing job with the sketch and I enjoyed the colors you chose especially the bee and ribbon touches.

  8. Pudding has milk! This works for me. Love the cards. That is a great image!

  9. Wow this card is beautiful!! The bee paper is fabilous!! I am going to have to find me some of this stuff!! lol


  10. Love these papers too!!! Love your scrunched ribbon and the bee is fabulous!! Cheerios and chocolate pudding sound fine to me, hehehe!! She's seems happy with it!! Thanks for playing at I Spy!

  11. I love your card and I love how you popped up the bee's wings :D Thanks so much for playing along with us over at iSpy Sketches!

  12. Came across your lovely card on Pinterest and had to come let you know how beautiful it is. ~jeni :)


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