

Monday, April 16, 2012

Merry Monday 16


Happy Monday, everyone!  It’s time for another Merry Monday sketch for your Christmas card creating!  It is supposed to be quite warm here today, so it feels a bit odd to be making Christmas cards!  But won’t we be happy in December?  Here we go:

Hmmm…..lots of possibilities here with that trio of stripes and those two embellishments!  I can’t wait to see how you interpret the sketch!  Believe it or not, there is no stamping on my card at all today!  I just let the paper do ALL the work! 

Merry Monday 16-LeAnne

Everything here is from Lost & Found Christmas by My Mind’s Eye.  I cut out various elements from one 6x6 sheet and adhered them to fit the sketch.  I did switch the embellishments around, adding a cutout star and bell diecut to the lower left and a vintage Santa to the right.  I added a couple of corners punched using SU’s Postage Stamp punch.  The background panels are from the same pad.  As always, if you have questions about anything used here, be sure to send me an email!!  Now let’s see what you can create!!!  And be sure to check out Always Playing with Paper to see what the other creative hearts have done!

DH threw out a few old cranberries from our freezer a while back, thinking the birds would enjoy them.  Well, the birds didn’t eat them, and no amount of warm, cold or rainy weather disintegrated them at all!  Cassidy was quite fascinated by them….don’t worry, I gathered them up and chucked them before she got her hands on them:


Thanks for visiting today!!!  Be sure to stop back tomorrow to see the ColourQ challenge!


  1. wonderful card LeAnne ~ love how you only used paper, no stamps, no ink!!!! way to go ~ girls are coming tonight, I'm so excited to play with paper!!! Have a wonderful day...a tad chilly here, so I won't be playing in my garden, so nice to see Cassidy in short sleeves and looking so that a word! ENJOY!!!

  2. All designer paper? No stamping! WOW! Love this vintage Santa and the colours of the paper. Little Miss Cassidy looks enthralled! LOL! Have a great day!

  3. I like your card! It's amazing that you didn't use any stamps here, but that My Mind's Eye paper is pretty amazing, too. Nice!

  4. Wonderful card, I love the vintage feel of your card and letting the paper do all the work turned out great.

  5. I strung cranberries this winter on a wreath just for the birds! They never touched a berry -- no matter how cold it got not when food was scarce. Who started that rumor?

  6. Wonderful card!! I love the vintage look!!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!