

Thursday, March 8, 2012

MM10 & CCCB99


Just a quick little post today with my weekly Christmas card using the Merry Monday 10 sketch:

and also using the City Crafter Challenge 99, which is “Seeing Double”:  to use the positive and negative image of a diecut!  Cute!  So here we go with my extremely CAS creation:


My original intent was just to use the tree diecut that I had cut from this nice geometric paper that my friend Martha gave me, but when I laid the negative image on the red card, it looked very cool!  I love the simple look but since it is popped up with lots of dimensionals, it really steps it up a bit!

I put the positive image on the inside with my sentiment:


Thanks for visiting today!  I am going to take a tiny little blog break as I am starting to feel a cold coming on and we have a busy weekend ahead, but I’ll be back on Sunday with my Paper Players creation!  I’ll leave you with this little photo of Cassidy; I usually have to chase her around with the camera, but she actually stopped and posed for this one!!!



  1. Absolutely love your creativity! I truly wish I was as clever. C&S done beautifully! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Darling card! Take care of yourself and we'll see you Sunday!

  3. How cool to use both the positive and negative images of the diecut. Isn't nice when something falls in place. I've really enjoyed browsing all the lovely projects on your blog that I have missed. Wonderful inspiration here! And I always enjoy seeing Cassidy's antics and think I should have my camera out more.

  4. wonderful card LeAnne ~ any chance to use ALL the CS, I'm loving that (I hoard!!!!) thanks for sharing this, enjoy your day, some time to yourself and take care! Cassidy, you're looking like a little girl, where did this baby go?????

  5. Neat challenge and you pulled it off perfectly with your Christmas tree! You are such a master at creating! Love this card!

    Hope you get feeling better and can beat off the cold. Cassidy is looking mighty sweet and cute! :)

  6. I LOVE this card! What a great idea!!! You are so stinkin clever. It just reminds me of Christmas cookies. I have my card ready I just have to get it posted. This was a great sketch. I made 3. Now I am going to make one like yours. I love this Oh I said that oh well I do.
    Cute picture pose and all.

  7. What a fabulous take on the challenge ... love your card ... many thanks for playing along at CCCB

  8. That is a wonderful, thanks for playing along with us at CCCB! Good to see you here!

  9. Hi LeAnne
    Many thanks for dropping by my blog. The Bo Bunny paper you were asking about is an old (2010) paper called "Learning Curve Bookmark" and have some in stock.

  10. This was a genius idea to use the other part of the image on the front... And what a cutie Cassidy is!

  11. What a great Christmas card. I love the way you used the negative.
    I do hope your cold that you felt coming on decided to go somewhere else. Hope you are feeling better.
    Another adorable pic of Cassidy.

  12. I finally made it here! Such a sweet card LeAnne, that tree shape is adorable and you are right, it looks awesome against the red. Cassidy is getting SO big...what a pretty girl!
    (PS Hope you are feeling better and I will "see" you tomorrow")

  13. Hope you are feeling better. Lovely card!! Thanks for playing along at CCCB!

  14. Such a cute card. What a great idea.. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CCCB!


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