

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Forgotten Fall Cards


I apologize to all my blog friends whose blogs I have been neglecting….for some reason, it just seems as though I am really busy with other things the past week or so!!!  I also have company coming next week and some holiday things to prepare, so I may be MIA occasionally in the coming weeks.  Not to worry, I will be around but may not post every day!

I realized I hadn’t shared a couple fall-themed cards that I had stamped earlier.  This was a birthday card for a friend:


It uses a PTI image and sentiment and was colored with Copics.  The next one used an image from Arielle  and was also colored with Copics:


If you have any questions about elements used on these, please shoot me an email!  And thanks for visiting today!



  1. No worries here, I understand perfectly when a plate gets full!!! Love your use of copices, as always.... very pretty cards!

  2. Love the coloring on both these cards. And wanted you to know how much I enjoy the pics of your wee little one. Thanks

  3. It is snowing hard here today. It is coming down sideways and I have to go to my yearly Dr. appointment. Yick.
    Your cards and picture and cheering me up!

  4. What gorgeous fall colors on both cards, LeAnne! I've been so busy, it's good to catch my breath and be able to cheek out what everyone's been doing! Looks like your little munchkin is enjoying the fall leaves as much as I do!

  5. Gorgeous cards, LeAnne! And I hear you on not being able to visit everyone's blogs as well. It's a lot to keep up on and I've been guilty of that myself too. It's getting to be that time of the year when we're all trying to get things done as the holidays approach. I still think of you even if I don't comment or visit you. :)

  6. Love your coloring on both images! I know what you mean about being away from the blog for a while...I haven't been around to comment in over a week. Yikes!

  7. Both of those cards are so gorgeous!

  8. These are both wonderful, Leanne. You've done a fabulous colouring job and I love those little leaves on the first one!

  9. We all know that we have to prioritise when life gets busy LeAnne! I love your cards especially the birthday card with its jugful of leaves in beautiful glowing colours. The punched leaves work wonderfully too.

  10. These are awesome, LeAnne! I really love them both, the WF one from Arielle is too cute! I think you are doing great. It often takes me a few days to get back around to returning comments, and now the holidays are upon us, I'm sure we will all just be doing our best to keep up! :) Thanks for popping by my blog, I will definitely be back to The paper Players! hugs :)

  11. What pretty fall cards Leanne! Great images and coloring! your GD is getting so big! what a cutie!

  12. I am SO glad you got your FALL on, sweet crafty sista! THIS post is inspiring on a WHOLE lot of levels. Thanks to you, I have a MAD craving for Pumpkin Spice Latte, a little detailed color work AND the insane need to kiss baby hands! WHAT up with THAT? {heh heh!}

  13. You are a queen of CAS, my friend! I always try to take a page out of your book. ;)

    THese fall cards are just full of rich color, and great LOs.

  14. Love the way you used your punch to add "leaves" of different colors. I have the same punch and never thought of using it that way! It really added to the card.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!