

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Paper Players 62

Happy Sunday to everyone! I totally apologize for the lateness of this post; we just got back from vacation and I could have sworn that I set this up for pre-posting! Oh well! What with the wild weather we had last week, who knows where it went!

Lesley is our Paper Players hostess today and she has chosen "Birthdays" as her theme! We can always use birthday cards, can't we?

I chose to make a belated birthday card using Easy Events and some assorted polka dot papers in Marina Mist and from Nursery Nest:

I did some paper piecing with another piece of Certainly Celery polka-dotted paper, also from Nursery Nest and used Blushing Bride for the cardstock. This versatile set makes a card in no time flat! I hope you'll pop on over to the Paper Players and play along with us this week!

No pix of the baby, but I would ask for prayers as the poor little thing got very sick over the weekend--she had thrush last week, now an ear infection, pink eye and the beginnings of pneumonia! Scary stuff! Hopefully she'll be on the mend and I can have some pictures of her this week! Thanks so much, and thanks for visiting!

Wee Details:

  • Stamps: Easy Events
  • Paper: Blushing Bride, Certainly Celery, Whisper White, Marina Mist & Blushing Bridge Patterns DP, Nursery Nest DP
  • Ink: Stazon
  • Acc: Scallop Die, Pearls, Marina Mist Narrow Grosgrain, Tasteful Trim Die, Markers, Dimensionals


  1. Oh poor baby,hope she is well soon. I love seeing her pictures as she is growing up,
    sending hugs.
    Rene from OZ xo

  2. Oh no!!! Hope the little one is feeling better!! Boo to illness! but Yay to your card!!! Very cute and perfect for a baby!!

  3. LeeAnn,
    I like your cute snail card!

    Cassidy is in my prayers. So much going on for the little princess.

  4. Darling LeAnne - Love how you hid the seam of the die cut under the ribbon! Pretty smart! This sure is a good card to have on hand! I'm praying for little Cassidy...Barb

  5. Oh gosh! Poor Cassidy! I will be sending her hugs from here. Your card is lovely as always, such a cute DSP combo.

  6. Awesome card, Leanne. I love all the polka dots and especially your paper piecing of the snail. Very cute. And I personally love the little pearls on the antennae too!

  7. Oh no, not Ms. Cassidy--poor thing! Thoughts and prayers her way for a speedy recovery! Your card is adorable LeAnne--love the pearl antennae and the colors are just fabulous!

  8. Very cute! Great job with the paper piecing!

  9. Adorable card, LeAnne! Oh...poor sweet Cassidy! Please keep us posted! I hope she feels better soon.

  10. Your card is such a cute one for baby! I hope you had a nice vacation, and I sure will keep little Cassidy in my prayers! The poor little thing, I do hope she feels better real soon. {{hugs}} to you both!

  11. Oh sweet Cassidy ~ I'll be praying for you ~ welcome home LeAnne! super sweet birthday card!

  12. Ok, what is cuter then this card? Not too much! A smiling snail with pearl antennae's...paired with a super fun color combo? Yes, it is adorable, in every way! Sending BIG hugs and prayers for your little sweetie. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.

  13. So sweet I love the colors. Sending Get Well hugs to Cassidy.

  14. Prayers that Cassidy will get well quickly!!

    Love that cute snail-cute card.

  15. This is super cute! I love that little snail.

    Hope little Cassidy feels better soon and that her mom is getting rest as well. Thinking of Cassidy and praying for her as well!

  16. Adorable, LeAnne. Love the colors and am loving this set. Fabulous paper piecing. How you are feeling better

  17. Oh no...I hope the little cutie is feeling better soon. She doesn't look like she can be kept down for too long though ;)

    Love your card and that super cute paper pieced snail! Just adorable. It something I love to do...but don't do often enough.

    Looking forward to working with you the next couple of months!

  18. This is such a cute card, LeAnne! I love the polks dots :) I hope Cassidy is feeling better soon. It's not nice to have a little one who's sick.

  19. Poor little baby. I sure hope she's feeling better soon. I love your card today. Can always use new fun ideas for birthday cards since they seem to encompass the most of my stamping.

  20. Your card is adorable! And I guess the late sentiment was appropriate! I love all the details, right down to the shading on the snail.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!