

Monday, July 11, 2011

CAS126 Funky Four


Today’s CAS challenge at SCS is a sketch, which I really liked, but for some reason, my stamping skills were really challenged this morning!  I am giving up after this, cleaning up my desk and concentrating on getting ready for convention…and relaxing a bit!  Stamping is supposed to fun, not stressful!

I made a thank you card for a special someone:


My stamp-a-ma-jig skills seemed to have left me today; everything is a little askew; hopefully my friend won’t mind!  I sure am loving this Tasteful Trims die….I will be using it again tomorrow for my CQC creation, so be sure to stop back! 



How do they know so early what to do with that phone???

Wee Details:

  • Stamps:  Funky Four, Trendy Trees
  • Paper:  Whisper White, Just Add Cake
  • Ink:  Poppy Parade, Marina Mist, Wild Wasabi
  • Acc:  Tasteful Trims Die, Marina Mist Narrow Grosgrain Ribbon


  1. Oh my gosh I love this card!! I've got my list of things I want from the new catty….I'm gonna be casing this card!! Gotta wait a few more days to order but am so excited!!

    Love the pics of Cassidy also….she is just a doll!

  2. I don't see anything wrong with the card. It is lovely. They know about phones early because they see us. And some kids are just super bright.

  3. I love this card and your blog. I always look forward to all your new creations.
    I think girls are born knowing how to use the phone! Love all your pictures of Cassidy.

  4. I love the Funky Four stamps! This is such a happy card. Great work.

  5. Nothing looks askew to me here! I really love this card with those fabby borders!!!

  6. This is a wonderful clean and gorgeous card. The colors work so well together and your take on the challenge is tops!

    Love and hugs, Martha

  7. Stop it! THIS is fabulous! You are WAY too hard on your little self... Perhaps it's because you are always staring at the perfection of that BABY, and by comparison, everyting else needs a little work... {Lol!} But it's NOT so. You'll see - AFTER convention you'll be ALL stampy! xoxo!

  8. Ooh, I like this card ... love CAS!!!

  9. Darling card, LeAnne! LOVE the scalloped borders!

    *She's a girl... they're born knowing what to do with a phone!

  10. I love the photo of Cassidy on the phone. She has a look like "What? Can't you see I'm on a very important call here?" Loving that CAS creation, too. The colors are so bright and fun! :)


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