

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Paper Players 53


Happy Sunday!  I am glad to be back blogging and creating!  The Paper Players have a wonderful sketch for us today:

Challenge 53

and I must admit, I had a BLAST making this card!  I used the Color Throwdown colors for this week; here is the yummy inspiration photo from Design Seeds:


If you EVER need color inspiration, check out their blog….incredible!  Kristin chose the colors of Black, Sage Shadow, Cherry Cobbler and Blushing Bride, so I went through my DP stash and came up with this:


I knew there was a raspberry image in the Botanical Gazette DP, so I punched that as my main image. I also pieced the text paper it was on, and used it as my background paper.   The other DPs were lightly stamped with various images from Nature Walk and French Foliage, stitched and daubered:


I stamped the little bee on some vellum, shaded the back with More Mustard, then added some Jelly Roll sparkle:


The sentiment is from You’re A Gem, which is a gem of a set! I hope you will play along with the Paper Players using this great sketch, and be sure to hover on over to their blog to see the other designers’ creations!

Wee Details:

  • Stamps:  Nature Walk, French Foliage, You’re A Gem
  • Paper:  Crumb Cake, Cherry Cobbler & Blushing Bride Patterns DP; Botanical Gazette DP; Wintergreen DP (ret); Vellum Cardstock
  • Ink:  Stazon Black, Blushing Bride, Crumb Cake, Sage Shadow, Cherry Cobbler, More Mustard
  • Acc:  Crochet Trim, Narrow Grosgrain Ribbon, Circle Nesties, Sewing Machine, Eyelet Border Punch, Jelly Roll pen, Dimensionals, Daubers





Have a blessed day!


  1. Like I told you before LeAnne, this card is absolutley stunning!!! I love it! The colours, lace, and vintage look all make for a perfect card. And I see that one of Ann's bees escaped :)

  2. Leanne! A gorgeous card!!!! I do love that DSP and love how you used in this card!!!

  3. WOW! Awesome creation. Love the all the detail.

  4. First, super sweet pics of that little cutie!!!
    Now on to your fabulous card :>) The texture you added by stamping on the PP really pulls this all together. So beautiful!

  5. Beautiful card LeAnne! So much detail. I especially love the vellum bee...with sparkle! Too cute!!!

  6. Fabulous card LeAnne ~ love all the details...the bee is wonderful..and Cassidy is a little story teller!

  7. I am so in love with that bee and your card is beautiful LeAnne. Love all the little goobers pictures especially the one where she is grabbing Mr.Kitty!

  8. Love everything about your card-the dp and that cute bee. Pretty card.

    Pretty baby and looks like she is getting a mouthful of teeth!

  9. LeAnne I LOVE this card! I love the colors and sewing (whoo hoo - ambitious) but the raspberry focal point is favorite. I bought the stamp set just for the raspberry stamp even though I know the it's on the botanical paper too. Love it. The bee is the finishing touch. Perfect! Hugs.

  10. Sandra already beat me to it...Lol!! I was wondering if that was one of Ann's bees, too. Tee hee! This is just so gorgeous, LeAnne! The only word that comes to mind is "Shabby-Tastic". So many beautiful details all wrapped up beautifully together. Cassidy's toothy-grin instantly brought a smile to my face, too. Have a great day! Hugs :)

  11. My Goodness! Fantastic card - love the papers you pulled together - and that bee!!! What a perfect touch!
    Congrats Cassidy on the new teeth - you're lookin' good sweetie!

  12. So stunning, LeAnne! Your colors are luscious and just perfect for the botanical DSP. I LOVE all the details of the shabby vintage style you've used, but the bee is my favorite!

  13. I love your creation this week LeAnne! Great way to use the DSP! Love the pics of Cassidy too!

  14. GORGEOUS card, LeAnne. LOVE those papers!

  15. Absolutely stunning, LeAnne! I love the vintage look...and the bee is the perfect touch!

  16. Your card is just gorgeous! I love everything about it.

    Your baby pictures are adorable also.

    Thanks for sharing.


  17. What a beautiful card! I love the added stamping you did on the dsp!!! Gorgeous. Hugs,

  18. Oh what a happy girl!
    I love LOVE your card! That bee is great. I have something on my blog for you. You can post it or just know that I LOVE your blog.

  19. So very, very beautiful LeAnne. It is gorgeous in every way.

  20. Oh. My. GOSH! LeAnne, this is gorgeous! Beautiful color palette and I love your addition of the crochet trim and the eyelet border. Beautiful! But my favorite is that sweet little vellum bee. Perfection!

  21. My vintage always look overdone. How do you get it so perfect??? Gorgeous, LeAnne! Hugs xxaxx

  22. LeAnne, this is absolutely stunning! Each and every element is placed perfectly...not too much, not too little. Love the vintage feel and your stitching! GREAT sketch - your interpretation is awesome!

    Cassidy is so cute...she is one of those adorable kids who just brings a smile to your face. Love how she is so focused on getting that pea and the last piece of meat, and seems to feel quite accomplished when she finishes! LOL I used to take a ton of consecutive shots when Tia was that's like a mini flip book :]

  23. Beautiful card, LeAnne! Absolutely gorgeous!

  24. This is beautiful, LeAnne! Seriously loving this card. I love the vintage feel.

  25. LeAnne, absolutely gorgeous. Love how you managed to incorporate the colors into the sketch. Fabulous vintage card.

  26. Gorgeous details and I love your stitched panels! That bee looks amazingly real...I'm surely inspired by your creativity!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!