

Thursday, May 26, 2011



This is what Blogger makes me feel like….hanging upside down and screaming. Just sharing a little bit…and I know since not everyone can comment, we’ll just have to commiserate together in silence. Edited to add: Blogger must have seen this post as I CAN NOW LOG IN!!! WOOHOO!!!


  1. Ha Ha Ha! Best photo I have seen this morning! I guess Blogger is still letting me comment...for now anyway! ;) Have a great day!

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself, LeAnne! HILARIOUS!

  3. you go girl! what's up with that anyway ! and all this time I thought it was me! Come On Blogger!!!!

  4. Yikes! I had this problem yesterday. It is very distressing.

  5. I hear ya! So glad it isn't just me......we hate to suffer alone! The only way I can comment is to uncheck the box that says "Stay signed in" - so I just sign in every time.............yikes!

  6. Dear LeAnne! Yesterday we had an apron party.We have made the recipes notebooks. We used some of your gifts!Thank you again!!! May God bless your kind heart and give you much more!!! Thank you for your help in our ministry here in Russia! With love Nika

  7. Now THAT'S a funny picture! LOL From what I've read, it's not a blogger issue - its the updated IE 9 version that's causing all the chaos. I haven't experienced any of it because I use Firefox. Those who reverted back to IE8 have apparently been able to eliminate these blogger issues.

  8. Well Amen to that!! Love the picture - some days I feel just like that - gigl

  9. I am going crazy.... Blogger... Google who ever.. please fix it!! I think I am going to have to leave a post like this one... lol

    You crack me up LeAnne!

  10. I just put up a funny blog post too... mine has a monkey pic.. lol

  11. Oh, this gave me a much needed laugh, after the frustrations I've experienced with Blogger in recent days! Blogger, Google, whatever - I wanted to scream! So glad I wasn't alone :)


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