

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Top Note Fun Favor

I haven’t had much time to stamp this week….and I am trying to get ready for a workshop with a fussy grandbaby!  She is better now---just a little ear infection---so I thought I’d post something I whipped up over the weekend for my grand-nephew’s birthday.  This is a shameless CASE of Marlene Peter’s creation here.  Marlene is always a great source of inspiration to me!  Here ya go:


I used some Play Date papers and I added a little flag sentiment with Laura’s Sentiment Flags; I forgot the cute little pull tag too….next time!   Here’s a closer view:


and the card, using Bring On The Cake:


This would be a great favor for a birthday party, filled with candy or goodies!  As my grandnephew was only a year old, I just put the card in it!  His mom loved it!

It was finally nice enough to take a walk again today!  Here’s my little cutie pie, feeling much better:


  • Stamps:  Bring On The Cake, Sentiment Flags, Lil’ Inker
  • Paper:  Real Red, So Saffron, Marina Mist, Chocolate Chip, WW
  • Ink:  Stazon
  • Acc:  Top Note Die, Markers, Jumbo Grommets, Crop-a-Dile, Circle Punches, Flag die, string, skewer


  1. Oh, LeAnne! This is just WAYYY TOO AWESOME!! I love it love it love it! WOW!!! AMAZING!!

  2. What a darling gift! That will probably be something mom will put in the keepsake box.
    Sweet Cassiday looks so darling out getting some sun - praying she's feeling better soon. Hugs

  3. OMG...she is a little cutie!

  4. This is the cutest thing! Love the playdate paper here--perfect for a child's party! Hope Cassidy's ear is getting better...and that makes your day better too!


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