

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



My desk is littered with bits & pieces of stamped items, pieces of unfiled cardstock, ribbon snippets….it was driving me crazy.  I begin something, then see something else I want to do and the elements get tossed aside.  I finally just put one of them together; no challenge, nothing specific, just a card:


My Copic coloring isn’t even done that well….I was basically just playing around with this image.  And my friend Lesley made me get this Tim Holtz brick embossing folder, so I thought I’d use it on a stray piece of Soft Sky laying around.  It’s hard to see here, but I rubbed some craft white ink on top…it is really a cool EF, I can see me using this one a lot! A simple sentiment, some little knotty ribbons and I have a nice generic card for my stash.  TFL!


Daddy is introducing Cassidy to the fine art of mowing at an early age!!  Don’t worry, he’s standing right beside her…..and it’s not running!!!

Tractor baby April 2011-4

Tractor baby April 2011-3


  1. Goodness, your card is fabulous, Leanne! I LOVE that flower. The brick embossing and ribbon knots are wonderful, too.
    And how cute is Cassidy!! :)

  2. Sometimes those random cards are the ones that turn out the best. I like your card and that embossing folder. Cute Cassidy pics, love her eyes in the last one!

  3. Wow you did a wonderful job with what was on your desk. I love the color and the simplicity of it. So pretty.
    Yikes lawn mowing. That grass grows so fast.

  4. Love your random card LeAnne ~ that brick EF is fabulous....I've got a little acreage to cut here as well, I'd better get our grandson's in training as well ~ Enjoy Your Day!

  5. I just love that card!!!! Gorgeous lo and gorgeous coloring too. She is adorable on that mower - those eyes - so excited and happy. ~chris

  6. Absolutely awesome!!
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit. :)

  7. Love the card! Your granddaughter is beautiful ... so sweet! Gotta love being a "grammie"!!!!

  8. That's a fantastic EF! -- and really like the way you used your ribbons - just an all-around GREAT card. It's so fun to see Cassidy in little summer outfits and enjoying the outdoors - she looks so happy! Hugs

  9. Very pretty card Leanne and such a cutie granddaughter...

  10. You'll never regret your friend enabling you to get this embossing folder! I LOVE it done with soft sky and that pretty flower!
    I hope Cassidy got the lawn mowed - monsoon is coming tomorrow :)

  11. Love the design of this card! But I really can't stop staring at that gorgeous baby face! She gets cuter everyday!!!

  12. Oh yeah, I'm a bit obsessed with that brick EF, too. Carol L. gave me several embossed sheets and I used them time and time again on cards recently. I think I should just go ahead and buy the folder...yep, I do! :) Beautiful card. I love the softness of sky and especially with the black accents. Sets it off really well!


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