

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fan Mail


Happy Thursday!  I spent a little time in my craft room today while trying to encourage my extremely sleepy, crabby DGD that she really DID need to take a nap!  Finally, we have success!  Anyway, I really wish I could say I loved this card, but it’s not one of my favs…..but it will be good for a guy card—they really aren’t picky, are they??  It fulfills several challenges:

  • WT317 at SCS:  Decorative scissors; I used an older pair of SU scallop scissors—I’ve held on to them all these years!
  • PPA87:  A color challenge of Crumb Cake, Daffodil Delight and Pear Pizzazz:


  • CCMC145:  A sketch challenge, which I turned on its side:


So here’s my card:



I used an image from Puns from the Past… far as spring cleaning, I always remember getting the fans out from the attic and having to dust all those slats….ick.  But if you didn’t, you’d be showered with a blast of dirt & grime the first time you turned it on!!  I am thinking I should have made a card with the brighter Daffodil Delight so that it wouldn’t have been so dreary---that’s about how it feels outside today.  I am SO ready for some sunshiny weather!!!  Anyway, thanks for visiting!


  • Stamps: Puns from the Past, Bring on the Cake (inside)
  • Paper:  Crumb Cake, WW, Daffodil Delight, Pawsitively Prints DP, Basic Black, Pear Pizzazz
  • Ink:  Stazon, Pear Pizzazz
  • Acc:  Scallop Scissors, Dotted Scallop Ribbon Border Punch, Brads, Seam Binding, Narrow Grosgrain Ribbon, Dimensionals


  1. I think there's truth in what you said about guy cards, lol! SOME guys, anyway. Ok, I shouldn't bash. I love that simple layout - great card! (dusting, sigh)

  2. I love the scallops with the diamonds...a unique look! An excellent masculine card!

  3. Very cute card, LeAnne! I love how you double-stamped the fan. (And if Cassidy is being a grumpus, just bring her to me!)

  4. That is a cute card. I just bought that set from someone selling it on her blog. I thought it was a cute set and would be good for quick cards. Thanks for the inspiration Cassidy is getting into her exercises early!

  5. Great combination of challenges!

  6. I think the card is adorable! I love the pop of black and the way you made the faded fans across the bottom cool!

  7. I love this card -see beauty is in the eyes of the beholder:-) I love the ribbon and those puns from the past stamp set is one that I just love. Cute little granddtg she looks so cute in the picture!

  8. cute card with all those scallops! Ok, time to exercise.....everybody touch your toes, 1,2,3,4,...............

  9. I love it! The bit of black is perfect and I love how you double stamped the fan--great movement. Ahhh, to be as flexible as Cassidy! :-)

  10. Its a cute card, I just made some fan mail cards the other day. I love that stamp it makes me laugh. I will have to get mine up to show you, I have been just so crazy trying to start this new blog... Crazy Crazy week.. TFS


  11. love the card.. and as always the pics of your little blessing.. arent grandbabies the most wonderful thing... have a wonderful weekend
    big ladybug hugs

  12. The card looks great! I love these colors together! And I love how you interpreted the sketch! Thanks for joining us this week at Create with Connie and Mary!

  13. Oh my LeAnne...this is absolutely fabulous!!! Thanks for playing along this week in the Create with Connie & Mary Thursday Challenge!

  14. Oops sorry LeAnne that last comment was from me...was typing from my dh computer and didn't see it was under his name. Excellent always! Such great style! Thanks for playing along this week in the Create with Connie & Mary Thursday Challenge!

  15. This card is great...for any the fan and the pun too! Thanks so much for playing along with us at The Kraft Journal!

  16. Cute card! Excellent job with the challenge. Thank you for playing along with Pals Paper Arts.

  17. I like how you stamped the fan very subtly along the DP's bottom edge...and the rows of scallops above your focal point. And, oh my, that baby is getting so big!

  18. Like the way you flipped the sketch. Great card. Thanks for playing the Create with Connie & Mary challenge!

  19. Leanne, you are waaaay too hard on yourself. This card is awesome! The touch of black brings out the remaining colors! Thanks for playing at Create with Connie & Mary!

  20. What an adorable card! I just love the vintage fan image and the fun sentiment. Great paper and colors, too. Thanks for playing along with us at the Kraft Journal. :)

  21. Great guy card...I really like the colors! That set is really lots of fun! Beautiful grand-daughter, too! Thanks for playing along with us on Create with Connie and Mary this week!

  22. FANTABULOUS! I love the colours (great challenge) and that you turned the sketch on its side is perfect. That shadow stamping - gosh I keep forgetting how much I love that. Great job on the CCMC challenge his week.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!