

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Color Throwdown 128


Happy Wednesday, everyone, and another Color Throwdown is coming your way!  Laura is our hostess this week with a real sweet combo for you!  It WAS a challenge to me!  Here ya go:

swatch 128

Remember, if you don’t have these exact colors, you may use something close!  Now I had no idea what to do with these colors!!!  I finally ended up using my PTI Tiny Treats Valentine set with a sentiment from Arielle to make a “love you” card:


This set has so many cute images!  I pulled out a heart and three animal images, stamped them with Memento black and colored them with Copics.  The smaller heart, also from that set, was colored and popped up.  The colors are strong, so I didn’t really feel I needed to add a lot of other embellishments. ButI think this is such a sweet sentiment, I may give this to my DGD this year!  Her mom can start a scrapbook for her! LOL!

We definitely want to see what you can create using these colors….so check out the CTD blog for all the details and post your creation there!  You can check out all the designers by clicking here:

Have a sweet day, everyone!


  • Stamps:  Tiny Treats Valentine, PTI; Digi, Wax Fruit Company
  • Paper:  WW, Real Red, Orchid Opulence, Pink Passion, Basic Black, Night & Day DP
  • Ink:  Memento Black
  • Acc:  Copics, Perfect Polka Dots EF; 1 1/4 & 1 3/8 square punches, Dimensionals


  1. this is so sweet LeAnne, love the little square boxes and Cassidy is adorable as ever ~ hoping to play along, enjoy your day!

  2. I just love how you used these bold colors, LeAnne! They show perfectly on that houndstooth background! And how darn cute is Cassidy? She just gets more adorable by the day!

  3. A sweet day, INDEED! Golly, golly GOSH, LeAnne. I say you handled those colors like the expert you ARE! Then, you toss that baby around and there is pure sugar all OVER the place! Excellent job!

  4. EXCELLENT way to use the colors, LeAnne! Love this design!

  5. This is really sweet, LeAnne!! So well done!

  6. What's cuter....the card or the baby? I seriously don't know!

    Love the card, LeAnne! That sentiment is perfect with those cute little images!

    Cassidy wins, though... she's the cutest!

  7. How ka-ute!!! Darling card LeAnne!!! Love the colors!

  8. What a great way to use the challenge colors, LeAnne....the blocks frame the adorable images perfectly!!! Your little Cassidy is absolutely precious...what a joy!!!!

  9. You really rocked these colors! Love this layout! Your card is adorable! Oh man, and that Cassidy! My 7 year old son thinks she's adorable too!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!