

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award


I got this award from three fellow stampers/bloggers!  Thanks to :

So I have to tell you eight things about me….hmmm….

  1. I love all dairy products, but ice cream is at the top of the list.  I don’t have one favorite,  but strawberry is my least favorite.
  2. I grew up on a dairy farm in Pennsylvania, and even though the farm buildings are no longer there, my house and my brother’s are still on the farm property.  Moooo.
  3. I won the Betty Crocker Homemaker Award when I was a high school senior.
  4. I worked in New York City right out of college as a secretary in the garment district.  It was a 90-minute commute from New Jersey….I must have been insane.
  5. I learned to sew when I was 10 years old from my mom and through 4H.  My creations included my sister’s and my prom gowns, my wedding gown(s), a summer suit for my little brother, and my daughter’s dresses until she was 12. 
  6. I also made a blue velveteen dress for my mom to wear to a cocktail party in 1970; I shortened it for my niece, and she wore it 30 years later to a school dance.
  7. I learned to drive a stick shift when I was 45 years old!
  8. I hate gum-chewing.

Now, I am supposed to pass this along to eight other bloggers…..and I can’t possibly pick out eight from among all my favorites, so I’ll just let you snag this for yourself!  If you feel like playing, play along!!  And thanks again to the girls who thought enough of me to tag me!!!


  1. Congrats on your blogger award from a neighboring grandma! Nice to know there are other papercrafting folks nearby...I'm near Christiana Mall in DE.

  2. *making mental note to spit out my gum the next time I see LeAnne* :)

  3. Cool beans! I'll snag and do the same because it was interesting to read about you!



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