

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Love U Stencils


This month’s club members got to use SU’s Love U stencil set. I wasn’t real excited about them when I saw them in the Definitely Decorative catalog, but I got a set and they sat on my shelf until I was cleaning one day and remembered I had them! They ended being real fun to use! Perfect timing for Valentine’s! Here’s the card they made, along with two mini cards I demo’ed for the hostesses:


The stencil was sponged with Regal Rose ink, then again with a dauber dipped in Frost Vanilla shimmery paint. It gave a nice little shine to it; then we stamped the x-o-x-o definition from Define Your Life over top in Stazon—good practice with the Stamp-a-ma-jig! The mini card on the left was sponged with Melon Mambo, and a flourish from Style Beautiful was stamped in Rich Razzleberry. The mini card on the right was sponged with Pretty in Pink and Pear Pizzazz, and a simple pearl was placed in the center.

Here are two other samples using the same stencil set:


and in keeping with my one-a-week Christmas card challenge to myself:


I am not feeling too spiffy today, so I’ll sign off here---email me if you have any questions!


  1. Gorgeous cards, LeAnne! I'm sorry you're not feeling well--hope you're back to normal soon!

  2. WOW! What a great look these stencils lend to your cards! I've had a headache all day today too....a sign of the harsh weather taking it's toll I'm sure. Feel better soon!

  3. Love the variety of heart cards...and the Christmas one too! :)

  4. These are fabulous, LeAnne! Beautiful looks and designs with the stencils. I need to give this a try! TSMFS!

  5. I'm not a headache person, but I had one this past week--must be from having cabin fever with all the snow, ice and frigid temps! I just posted some blog candy, so stop by when you up to it!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!