

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ColourQ 69

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Every once in a while, Arielle throws me a curve ball….that’s what she says, anyway! I think this week was it...this ColourQ really had me stumped! The colors say “fall” but the thermometer said “zero” yesterday and I just couldn’t do fall! So here’s the “cue”:


and here’s my take on it:



My little tabs were rounded with the 1” circle punch, then pierced, faux-stitched, stamped with the retired Linen BG stamp, and buttoned up. The card itself is textured Whisper White; sentiment is from Curly Cute. I did some piercing at the bottom as well:


Then I thought I might try another----pulled out an older set that hasn’t seen ink in a while—Always—and did another 6” card:


Sentiment is from Three Little Words.

Now… about some Cassidy pix? This is what happens when a 5-month-old gets a stamp set in her hands for the first time (ignore the peach-stained bib):





Yep….into the mouth it goes!

Thanks for visiting today---be sure to check out the other CQC designers at the ColourQ blog---Arielle has recruited a whole new batch of scrappers---more inspiration for your viewing pleasure!


  1. You did a great job with these colors! I'd have been completely clueless to use them together!
    I can't wait to see what Cassidy does when she's old enough to get inky :)

  2. Hi there ... thank you for your sweet comment ... I am a huge fan of your creations and my favourite (other than that adorable baby) .. has to be True Friend ... simply stunning!!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous cards LeAnne! Pix of Cassidy shows what happens to anything you give a little one like this - gotta TASTE it! ~chris

  4. I am really impressed with these colors. They are so happy and fun. Love the card with the tabs and really like how you did the piercing. Woohoo! I sure like watching Cassidy grow!

  5. The colors are gorgeous together! Love your cards! and of course, the babe is pretty sweet, too! :)

  6. These are incredible, LeAnne! The first one really steals my heart with its CAS design, of course, but the second one is beautiful, too. You totally rocked these colors!

  7. Your cards are fabulous, as always! Especially LOVE the first one!! Cassidy is to flippin' cute!! Can't wait to meet her in person someday!

  8. I love both of your cards!!! And how funny is it that we both used Three Little Words for the sentiment??? I swear I didn't see your card beforehand, lol!

    Your little cutie is just so precious! I see you're starting her off early - *giggle*

  9. Too funny! In my blog post, I also talked about Arielle's "curveball". :) Love both your cards, but I escpecially love seeing pics of your little cutie. What a sweetie, peach stains and all!

  10. OMGosh! These are GORGEOUS! I love them both, but I really like the first one because of the design and the paper piercing. And the baby is starting early, huh? Too cute!

  11. Both cards are great - but I think the first is my favorite. Love the colors you used too. Then there is our girl's first intro to the stamp world - soooo sweet. Some day she'll be sitting beside you at the stamp table making cute little cards. ahhhhhhhh

  12. Beautiful cards, esp. the one with the Always set. And the little one is adorable.

  13. Both are gorgeous! I would have had a tough time coming up with one design in these colors. Love the one w/the buttons!

    ...and, I think she's a born stamper ;)

  14. Oh I love these cards! You always come up with the best ideas. I love all the white space.
    Casidy is showing an interest in stamping at the earliest age. LOL She is starting under a true master.

  15. I love the CAS take on the inspiration! It is so fresh & fun. But still has so many little details there to catch the eye.

  16. Love this simple card. i can't seem to pull off simple. It never looks the same. Rockin' card!

  17. Ah... a little stamper in the works! what gorgeous pics. Love the first card. Classic clean and simple lines. Lovely use of the color combo, too!

  18. This is just an awesome interpretation of both the photo and the color mix. You rocked it, LeAnne! Your little grand-daughter is so stinkin' cute, too. Can't wait to see Cassidy's creations in the future. She has a great teacher! :)


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