

Monday, December 20, 2010



I have two cards today, both winter birthdays, both use the same Card Patterns Sketch 95:


The first is a masculine card; it uses a new SU set from the Occasions Mini called Plane & Simple, although other than the main compass image, you can’t see much of the other images!  Here you go:


I used Bravo Burgundy cardstock with some Figgy and Basics Kraft  BG papers.  I used two different sizes of Labels Four Nesties for my main image, as well as using the Small Star and Word Window punch for my embellishments.  The images are stamped in Chocolate Chip and Bravo Burgundy ink. 


My next one is more feminine and fun; I used a really cute Mo Manning image; this little snowman seems to be very popular, as I’ve seen him around in several places!


I printed him on SU’s Shimmery White paper, which I have discovered works very well with Copics!  I did forget to add some glitter to his snow, so I’ll do that before I send this out!  The papers are from a kit that I won a while back at Taylored Expressions; the tinsel is some I picked up at a little shop nearby; I adhered some of the snowflake punchouts from the MS punch to the upper left side and added some itty bitty rhinestones for some shine.  I also had a glittered snowflake punchout from another project so I stuck that on there as well!  Here’s the inside, which uses a sentiment from Whippersnapper’s Winter Schminter:


If you have any questions, just email me!  And thanks so much for visiting today!  The countdown to Christmas is on, so who knows how much stamping/posting any of us will be able to accomplish in the next few days!  I am almost done….just a few last minute things to do!  How about you?




  1. love the birthday cards LeAnne ~ I'm hoping to have some time to 'play' this evening, just got back from the mall ~ and I just have to wrap my new purchases and then DONE!!!! Merry Merry Christmas to you and your family ~ Denise

  2. oh, I just LOVE the burgundy card! Stamping on that figgy DP looks amazing! Somebody likes the kitty eh? Cute :)

  3. Merry Christmas to all of you from Russia! May God bless you, your heart and your family and ministry! With all my love Nika

  4. Oh my I still think I need to get some gifts. We give money but I just want to give gifts. I may be shopping yet.
    I love your cards. The man on is so cool I love the style and colors.
    But most of all I love the granddaughter picture. That is so sweet and Pumpkin (right?) is being so good.
    I get to see my Cora on the 27th. I can't wait.

  5. Love your fun coloring on the snowman and that fun tinsel. The burgundy card is so rich and gorgeous!

  6. Cute cards, LeAnne! LOVE how you used the BG Kraft paper on the one!

    Cassidy and Pumpkin are gettin' chummy! Tooooo cute!

  7. These are wonderful Leanne! I especially love that cute little snowman. So glad you could join us on Card Patterns this week. Happy holidays!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!