

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tom Turkey

I made a couple of these for my club hostesses this month, and now that all my clubs are done, I can share it!  (I like to keep things a secret!)  This little favor is made with a mint patty and the Days of Gratitude stamp set.  I did share it on SCS, so you might have already seen it:


The body is two 1 3/4” circles punched from Cajun Craze; I cut a tiny slice off each bottom so that my favor would stand up.  The head is a 1” circle of More Mustard.  I wheeled them with the Cornelli Lace jumbo wheel in CC ink.  The “wings” were stamped with More Mustard ink, then I colored over the lower feathers with a Cajun Craze marker and the middle feathers with a Pumpkin Pie marker.  I find that stamping the whole image first with More Mustard, then coloring over it with the markers, gives it better coverage.  The wattle is the Modern Label punch, trimmed, punched in Real Red; the eyes were 1/4” circles and the beak was cut freehand.  Everything was daubered with Cajun Craze.  Sentiment is from Teeny Tiny Wishes.  The patty was sandwiched between the two large circles with the feathers inserted between:


This was a real hit with my girls and was fun to make!

Some of you wondered if I “lost” my little pumpkin; no, she just hasn’t been very photogenic the last few days, but my DD snagged a good one last night!  She is just learning to hold her head up as she lays on her tummy---and she usually doesn’t like it!  But you’d never know from this pic!  Here you go!

on her tummy 2

Thanks for visiting today and have a blessed Friday!


  1. There she is! So precious! Do I see a bit of a smile about her accomplishment?

    The favor is darling. So lovely and detailed.

  2. I nearly squealed when I saw your cute little turkey, and then I read that you used Peppermint Patties! My favorite! These are super cute, but not quite as adorable as your granddaughter!

  3. Both are so cute-Tom Turkey and your precious g-baby-she always looks so pleased with things!

  4. These are sooo cute I have to make some.
    You take the best pictures of your granddaughter. This one is amazing. It helps when you have a real beauty to photograph.
    I love seeing her. Your pictures always make me smile.

  5. Your turkey is one of the cutest one's I've seen. Thank you for sharing it. And your grandbaby is adorable - what a smile!

  6. What a cute favor, which could also be used as a table place card--I may just do that! Isn't grandmothering fun?

  7. OMGosh, next to my own beautiful babies Kassidy is the cutest baby ever!

    LOVE that little turkey! Too clever, and wonderful details!

  8. The turkey is very cute, but Kassidy is so much cuter! Great pix! ~chris

  9. Oh my goodness--you would never know she doesn't like tummy time by this adorable pic! Love your turkey favor--that stamp set is marvelous as the plumage. So creative! {hugs}

  10. That little turkey just made my day, seriously!! How stinkin' cute! (...your adorable granddaughter, too!) I just love your idea, I may have to make some of these for Thursday! :)

  11. This is too cute AND so creative! I adore this.


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