

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Color Throwdown #116

swatch 116

Woohoo!  I am the hostess today at the Color Throwdown and I’ve chosen some lovely subtle holiday colors to get you in the mood for some Christmas stamping.  If you don’t do Christmas, I am sure you can come up with some other themes for which to use these colors!!! 

My sweet friend Linda lent me her Delightful Decorations set and punch, so I thought I would use them for my card:


The card base is Certainly Celery;  I used the Jolly Jingles jumbo wheel from the Holiday Mini catalog, and some Pear Pizzazz ink, for my subtle background, embellishing it with pearls here and there.  The “ribbon” is actually Cherry Cobbler seam binding, also from the mini:


I hope you can find some time to play along with us this week!  Check out the CTD blog to find all the details…and here are the other designers’ links to peruse:

Thanks for visiting today!

  • Stamps:  Delightful Decorations, Jolly Jingles wheel
  • Paper:  VV, Riding Hood Red, Certainly Celery
  • Ink:  Riding Hood Red, Pear Pizzazz
  • Acc:  Ornament Punch, CC Seam Binding, Nesties, Pearls


  1. OHHHHH I love that bow. Now with a granddaughter you will get lot of practice with bows. You really make pretty bows.

  2. Beautiful Christmas card, LeAnne! Love the ornament and the little pearl detail! Great color combo!

  3. Oh that is a gorgeous holiday card! And I love yesterday's picture of you sitting outside with your GD!

  4. Beautiful card! Great colors to work with.

  5. Your bow is PERFECT. I love it.
    The pearls on the background is such a neat touch. Very cleaver of you to highlight something that is normally just ... background.

  6. Certainly Celery is one of fav colors. I love it paired with Red in a Christams card. By the all the photos of the beautiful new baby, Grandma. congrats

  7. Oh my gosh, this is a pretty card!! Who knew these colors worked so well together? I love the ornament with that awesome seam binding!

  8. So pretty, LeAnne! Love that ornament image and the seam binding is gorgeous!

  9. Gorgeous color choices (again), LeAnne! And I adore how you've used them! The white mat really makes the beautiful ornament and all the pearls just stand out! LOVE, love, love this!

  10. Super sweet card, LeAnne! I LOVE how you added some little pearls here and there within the words on the bottom of the card!

  11. Love your ornament card and appreciate your choice of Christmas colors!

  12. Your card is BEAUTIFUL! I love the subtle printing of holiday phrases on the base with the adhesive pearl accents! :)

  13. The addition of pearls was a great touch on a perfect card - love it
    (where's the baby???)

  14. I LOVE the pearls! Such a cute touch. Beautiful cards, LeAnne!

  15. Ohhhh I love the stamp set and the ribbon you used. I just had a look at the mini. LOVE!!! Really pretty design, LeAnne!

  16. Love, love, love the perfectly placed pearls!

  17. Wow this is awesome! Love love love it!

  18. Oh girl...I LOVE how you managed to keep this clean and simple, fresh and pretty :] The little detials you added, like the pearls to areas of your background stamp and ornament are just gorgeous and just enough...not overdone. Your layout with the pretty scalloped panel and vibrant ribbon are just perfect! GREAT color choice, my friend ♥

  19. Two gorgeous cards, Nance! Congrats on your DT position too :)

  20. This is beautiful! Love the use of the pearls :)



Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!