

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Color Throwdown 114


Happy Wednesday to everyone!

swatch 114 

Kristin is the hostess for the CTD this week, and I am lovin’ the colors she has chosen!  Two of these colors are SU’s new “In Colors”, so if you don’t have them, just use something close---we want everyone to be able to play!  Check out the CTD blog for all the details!

For my card this week, I pulled out a couple of neglected Big Shot items, dusted them off and put them to use:


I added a few little embellishments, mounted them on an embossed panel and added my sentiment and it was good to go!  The little bird is from the mini hostess set, Northern  Hearts.  Now lets see what the others have done:

And are you tired of my little granddaughter yet?  Hope not!


Thanks for visiting today!

  • Stamps:  Teeny Tiny Wishes, Northern Hearts
  • Paper:  WW, Chocolate Chip, Pure Poppy, Pear Pizzazz, So Saffron, Sunny Garden and Patterns DP
  • Ink:  Chocolate Chip, Certainly Celery
  • Acc:  Perfect Polka Dots EF; Dies & Embosslits:  Scalloped Heart of Hearts, Heart Set, Birds & Blooms, Swirls Scribbles, Scalloped Trim Border Punch, Glimmer Brads, Brights Buttons, Word Window Punch, Dimensionals, Thread, non-SU Rhinestones


  1. Those little embellishments you created are fantastic! I especially love the piece of the scalloped border with jewels--genius! Who could tire of that sweet babe? :-)

  2. oh my goodness, this is such a pretty card! I love those hearts and the embossed background!

  3. Beautiful card, LeAnne! I love the hearts with all the little embellies! Very creative and eye-catching design! Darling photo of your granddaughter, too!

  4. Very, Very, Very, Pretty! and the card too. LOL I love those hearts.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the embossed dp. ~chris

  6. Pretty card-like the colors.

    Your grandbaby is still a sweetie!

  7. I just love your popped-up, patterned, embossed, and embellished hearts!! What a beautiful statement they make, especially on the white background. And of course, as usual, Cassidy is a little doll!!

  8. LeAnne this is a gorgeous everything about it!

    Your granddaughter is growing so darn fast! She's precious! Thanks for sharing her pictures

  9. What a cute baby! So adorable! Great card too! Love those colorful embossed hearts! :)

  10. I love all the texture on these great hearts! What a beautifully designed card!! And just look at little miss bright eyes there! She sure is one happy little girl:)

  11. Love seeing pictures of Cassidy! and love this card ~ the embossed background in the hearts is fabulous ~ love it!

  12. Love those big bold splashes of color, LeAnne! Great design!

  13. This is so very drop dead gorgeous. Your details again! They are so simple but make your card so amazing!

  14. Beautiful take on the colors LeAnne!!! Love the hearts :) !!! Hugs ~S~

  15. I love the crispness of the choc. chip behind the white, very pretty card!

  16. Hello Leann! This awesome card just caught my eye on Pinterest and then I realized it was YOURS! Love it! It would make a perfect Valentine card too. Also, it made me smile to see your darling granddaughter's photo too! :) She's such a cutie pie! ♥


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!