

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Punch Sharpening

If you’re looking for today’s Color Throwdown post, click here.

A couple people emailed me about my comment that my punches needed sharpening in this post.  The jury is still out on whether or not I really think this technique works, but I am going to share it anyway.  Truthfully, I think that if your punches have been well-loved and well-used, eventually they are going to get dull and need to be replaced.  This may help prolong their life a little bit; it’s cheap and easy, so if it works, why not try it?

Okay, this is ALL you need:  an soda can, some utility scissors and your punches:


Make sure your can is washed out thoroughly, then cut the top & bottom off with your scissors:


The metal is much lighter in weight than you think, so it is easy to cut, but do be careful about the sharp edges…trim them off.


Then, just punch punch punch as many times as you want; supposedly this will sharpen the edges of your punch. If you’re really “green” you could use these little punchouts for some fun project.  I was not in the mood to use them for some fun project, so I tossed mine in the recycle bin!  One reader asked about a liquid product to use on your punches; a friend just recently brought some of it to my house for a trial, and I really did not see any difference at all.  I think it was more for a lubricant than a sharpener; but I could be wrong! 

Anyway, as I said, this is quick & easy, doesn’t damage your punches and it may help—I’d be anxious to hear if it’s successful for you!


  1. Good Morning LeAnne,

    I just read your blog about the coke aluminum and using it to sharpen the punches. I think that could work for simple, larger shapes, but some of my "other brand" punches have some really tiny dots, swirls, and other shapes, that I am betting the coke can would not work there. I have used heavy duty foil, sometimes two layers, and that seems to work for me for all my punches. Also Waxed paper punched will lubricate the punch too. So these are ideas to pass along. Thanks for sharing.

    I will have an SU order for you soon.

    With kind regards, Martha

  2. Thanks, will give it a try on my corner rounder as it is leaving a little tag behing.

  3. Thank you for showing how to sharpen punches with a coke can, and yes it does work! I cut strips of a can an had to use three strips and now it is better then new.Thank you!


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