

Monday, September 13, 2010

Assortment Day

I don’t have anything to post yet today that is stamped by me, but I do have a couple things to share!

First, I wanted to give you the pattern for my stairstep card that I posted here.   There are lots of patterns out there for these, but mine make the stairs slightly graduated.  And I apologize for not being techie-savvy with a nice Acrobat file or something….mine is just a little hand-drawn one:


It seems daunting, but it’s not!!!  Having a Fiskars cutter where you can insert the cutting blade at any place along the ruler is helpful in making the first cut, which is indicated by the solid line.   If you don’t have a Fiskars cutter, you can do this with an Exacto knife or snap blade cutter.  Then do your scoring, and make your folds.  (The measurements for the folds are all measured from the bottom edge.)  If you have any other questions, just leave them in the comments and I’ll try to reply.  Hope it is helpful!

While I was on blogging vacation, I got some cute cards and goodies; here is a card from my upline, Pennie:


and this adorable card from my sweet blogging friend Michelle:


Now this card is very special, because it matches this:


I squealed so much when this came in the mail, my husband came running!  And she sent this as well:


See what it says:


SO cute---thanks so much, Michelle!

And finally, I organized a little Lancaster County, PA, “stamp shop hop” for some friends a few weeks ago:

Shop Hop 2

This photo was taken in the front yard of one of the Amish shops we visited; it was a gorgeous day and the flowers were beautiful!  That’s Bunny, Ellen, Billie, Carol, me and Cathy (cathymac on SCS).   Thanks to Larry, Ellen’s husband, who was our chauffeur and photographer!  Here’s another, with a fantastic view of the rolling hills of Lancaster County; this was the backyard of another Amish shop/home.  I want to LIVE here!

Shop Hop 3

And this sweet little vignette greeted us as we walked into her home:


Those little pink Crocs were just so cute!!!  And Cathy very kindly made us all these wonderful note pads:


I have such wonderful friends!  And finally, a little peek of Cassidy with her daddy:

Charlie, Cassidy 9-19-10

Hope to see you later with something  stamped! xoxoxo


  1. Thanks so much for your template- I like how your card is graduated. What a nice day you had with friends; so glad you could enjoy each others' company and the outdoor beauty. And finally- do baby girls get any cuter? I think not! Your little Cassidy is so sweet!

  2. Leanne thanks for the directions for the stair stepping. I'm not very techno either, but I totally understand your directions and plan to use them soon. TFS.

    PS: the baby is adorable!

  3. are so welcome! I had tons of fun making that card for you. That stamp shop hop looks like it was nice, I'm still so sad I couldn't make it! Next year! That Cassidy is SUCH a do you not just eat her up?

  4. Awwww, just look at all you sweet ladies. Was this the get-together when I was leaving (or coming back from...can't remember which) for the beach? I was bummed that I couldn't make it but I'm hoping there's another one in the future so I can go too. :)

    Cassidy is so precious...and I LOVE the name. My 5-year-old tells me that she's going to name her daughter Cassidy someday....for now, that's what she tells me anyway, lol!

  5. oh my goodness she is so dang cute!!!!! Thanks for showing her off LeAnne!!!!

  6. Hi LeAnne,

    I use this template it's easy!

  7. LeAnne - thanks for the directions. It looks like you had a great day with friends and what awesome gifts you received. Cassidy is absolutely ADORABLE and know you are so happy when you are with her !!!




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