

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Country Wedding

This is a non-stamping post, so feel free to bypass it if you aren’t interested in personal stuff!  I apologize for the lack of commenting and posting the last few days!!  My nephew got married Friday night and I’ve had a houseful of family!!!  They’ve all gone home now and we are just waiting for my DD’s baby to arrive so between the excitement of these two events, I thought I’d post some photos of the wedding!  It was held at Landis Valley Farm Museum, which is like a mini-Williamsburg, in the beautiful farm country of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Both my nephew and his bride love all things country and they wanted to have their reception in a barn, so that’s what they did!  So here are a few highlights:

The flowers in Mason jars hanging on shepherd’s hooks as we walked in:

Wedding Flowers 

The flowers on the “altar”:


My sister Joyce and her hubby Jim, parents of the groom:

Copy (2) of Wedding Joyce & Jimmy-1

The bridesmaids lined up by the barn; notice the footwear:

Wedding girls

The bride and her dad approach:

Wedding Chuck & Allyson

The ceremony begins.  Our minister has known these two kids since they were little; they grew up at church together!

Copy (2) of Wedding Tim & ALlyson

The beautiful bride:

Wedding Allyson 3-1

A birds-eye view of the ceremony:

Wedding Ceremony

My two beautiful nieces, sisters of the groom:

 Wedding Paige & Kelly

My niece Kelly giving her maid-of-honor speech at the entrance of the barn:

Wedding Kelly speech

And the party went long into the evening!  Everyone had a blast, even though it was a dry wedding because of the location.  My feet were SO tired from dancing!!!

Wedding Barn at night

The cake was actually three different CHEESE CAKES---soooo yummy!!! 

Wedding cake 2

And of course, cheese cake is SO smashable!

Wedding cake cutting

The table decorations were tree-themed; we all got a jar of homemade apple butter to take home, and these were little “prizes” we could win on the tables as well:

Wedding favors

This is the ONLY picture I got with me and my sister Gail and Tim; the cameras were flashing like crazy but I never got one of Tim, Allyson and me together!!   Or any other family members, for that matter!

Wedding Gail, me & tim 

And one last parting shot:

Copy (3) of Wedding Kellys boots

Thanks for indulging me!  And thanks to Alex Lee, who took most of these photos and is an incredible photographer (plus she has a really nice camera) and a close friend of the couple, as well as a few others who took some photos as well!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your weekend! Oh what a lovely wedding this was! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the photos. What a beautiful wedding. I just love it! up. You must be exhausted.

  2. I love the personal stuff---thanks for sharing your life with us on your blog! Beautiful wedding!

  3. That last post was from me----I didn't realize my daughter was signed in! OOPS! I'm sure she'd love the wedding, too, but I didn't want you to wonder who Hannah was! :)Hugs~

  4. Wowww, what awesome photos. Everything is totally BEAUTIFUL! I love that whole barn setting and her green wedding colors. So beautiful. :)

  5. I love all the simple touches of your nephew's country wedding!! The prizes on the tables are really clever and the cowgirl boots are just plain FUN!! (and they're probably a lot more comfortable than high heels!) So much thought obviously went into this great wedding and I'm so glad you shared the photos with us :)

  6. Love personal stuff too. Beautiful photos and love the jar labels. So cute.

  7. Thanks for sharing the neat photos-I love outdoor weddings. If and when my daughters get married I hope they choose an outdoor setting. Loved the cheesecake and boots!!

  8. Thanks for sharing the wedding photos. I think this is one of the most beautiful weddings I've seen (short of my son's!!).

  9. thank you so much for sharing ~ I truly enjoyed taking a peek! enjoy your day! Blessings, Denise

  10. This wedding is adorable and those shots are amazing! I love all the decorations. I hope your daughter has that baby soon so you can start spoiling your grandchild!

  11. Oooh, it's so much fun looking in on your weekend! What a fun and unique, yet gorgeous wedding! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. What a beautiful wedding. So good to see a heartfelt wedding such as this without all the phony magazine
    style going on now. Thank you for
    sharing this wonderful moment.

  13. Wow! What an incredible wedding!! Looks like everyone had a blast! I love when the couple makes the ceremony so intimate and so "them". ADORABLE!!

    btw....I LOVE the personal stuff!! Keep it comin'! xoxo

  14. Oh my goodness this looked like a fun day. Well except for the shoes. I couldn't do those if my life depended on it.
    I would have needed a drink to make it all day in cowboy booths. Those blue laws could kill a fun love-in girl. We don't have them in WI.

  15. Loks like this was a lot of fun. The couple made it their own, which is delightful. Love seeing all the pictures, thanks so much for sharing!

  16. How wonderful! I love weddings...{sigh}. This one is straight out of a magazine--the gorgeous couple, the beautiful setting and all the creative touches. Thank you so much for sharing. It looks like a fairytale!

  17. What a great idea for a wedding, staying with all the things you love. The lights in the barn looked great in the picture. I agree with what "Our Little Inspirations" wrote. Too many people have so much pomp and circumstance and forget what the days is REALLY all about. Hats off to the your niece and her husband. May they have a long and happy life together.

  18. What a beautiful wedding!!! Makes me wish I could go back and do it all over again myself! *sigh* Will have to wait for my daughters to find their Princes! :)


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